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[hylafax-devel] Fwd: Re: Re: Another case of Assertion failed "Invalid Str[] index"

On 29 Jun, Darren Nickerson wrote:
> Thoughts?


void NSF::decode()
    for( const NSFData* p = KnownNSF; p->vendorId; p++ ){
*****   if( !memcmp( p->vendorId, &nsf[0], p->vendorIdSize ) ){
            if (p->vendorName != 0) {
                vendor = p->vendorName;
            } if( p->knownModels ){
                for( const ModelData* pp = p->knownModels; pp->modelId; pp++ )
*****              if( !memcmp( pp->modelId, &nsf[p->modelIdPos], p->modelIdSize ) )
                        model = pp->modelName;
            } findStationId( p->inverseStationIdOrder ); vendorDecoded =
    } if( !vendorFound() )
       findStationId( 0 );

Unbounded access to fxStr nsf...

The NSF char* being parsed as read was:
"+FNF:\255\0B00               \r\n"

So, loadHexData would have left nsf be an empty fxStr (\255 is not valid hex
digit), and consquently, in decode(), the nsf[0] is out of bounds.

--- faxd/NSF.c++.orig   Thu Jun 29 16:37:55 2000
+++ faxd/NSF.c++        Thu Jun 29 16:49:14 2000
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@
 void NSF::decode()
+    if ( nsf.length() == 0 )
+        return;
     for( const NSFData* p = KnownNSF; p->vendorId; p++ ){
         if( !memcmp( p->vendorId, &nsf[0], p->vendorIdSize ) ){
             if (p->vendorName != 0) {

It runs on mine...  But I wasn't getting that bad NSF data.

Aidan Van Dyk                                        Create like a god,
aidan@highrise.ca                                  command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                              work like a slave.

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