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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

Darren Nickerson <darren@dazza.org> writes:

>   Dmitry> Darren, you have obviously missed the point here. We discussed the
>   Dmitry> following (*not* *adaptive* *answer*):
> You're obviously not reading all your e-mail ;-) We're discussing more than 
> that.

Of course. But all my 2*2=5 analogies (which you did not like so much :-))
were only related to this couple of lines.

>   Dmitry> config/usr-xon:
>   Dmitry> ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0	# leave modem idling in class 0
>   Dmitry> ModemAnswerCmd:	AT+FCLASS=1A	# answer in Class 1
>   Dmitry> config/usr-rts:
>   Dmitry> ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0&H1&I0&R2	# leave modem in class 0
>   Dmitry> ModemAnswerCmd:	AT+FCLASS=1&H1&I0&R2A	# force RTS/CTS after 
>   Dmitry>                                                 change
>   Dmitry> Please reread your text again and explain me what are you going to do
>   Dmitry> with these lines (and also their purpose)?
> Not clear what should happen to these lines. You have not proven they are 
> wrong or in any way harmful, and someone obviously thought they were a good 
> idea. So the default position is to leave them just as they are.

Yes :-) They are useless and sometimes destructive, but we've left them
there "as is" or commented out. I admit -- this will be only reader's
confusion. Imagine if he will decide to change flow conrol scheme for
usr-rts to XONXOFF. He changes ModemFlowControl to "XONXOFF" but ... the
modem still uses RTSCTS while answering :-)

> Question - does ModemSetupAACmd get used if we have:
> AdaptiveAnswer:		No
> (which is the default?)

Yes. See my previous message.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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