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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

>>>>> On 25 Jun 2000, "Dmitry" == Dmitry Bely wrote:

  Dmitry> Darren Nickerson <darren@dazza.org> writes:

  Dmitry> Darren, you have obviously missed the point here. We discussed the
  Dmitry> following (*not* *adaptive* *answer*):

You're obviously not reading all your e-mail ;-) We're discussing more than 

  Dmitry> config/usr-xon:

  Dmitry> ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0	# leave modem idling in class 0
  Dmitry> ModemAnswerCmd:	AT+FCLASS=1A	# answer in Class 1

  Dmitry> config/usr-rts:

  Dmitry> ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0&H1&I0&R2	# leave modem in class 0
  Dmitry> ModemAnswerCmd:	AT+FCLASS=1&H1&I0&R2A	# force RTS/CTS after 
  Dmitry>                                                 change

  Dmitry> Please reread your text again and explain me what are you going to do
  Dmitry> with these lines (and also their purpose)?

Not clear what should happen to these lines. You have not proven they are 
wrong or in any way harmful, and someone obviously thought they were a good 
idea. So the default position is to leave them just as they are.

Question - does ModemSetupAACmd get used if we have:

AdaptiveAnswer:		No

(which is the default?)


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