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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

>>>>> On 24 Jun 2000, "Dmitry" == Dmitry Bely wrote:

  Dmitry> There are current hylafax docs (config(5f) an other). There
  Dmitry> is an "adaptive answer" paragrapth in "advanced config" section,
  Dmitry> explaining how to properly set it up. Current docs says that AA
  Dmitry> feature is not enabled by default (I already explained why this is
  Dmitry> the right decision). Why I cannot make Hylafax consistent with the
  Dmitry> current documentation?

Explaining why something is the right decision does not make it true Dmitry. 
And I don't see that HylaFAX is inconsistent with the docs at all. At least 
not in the strictest sense. I do agree that we need a default position on this 
though, one which we should move to in all the config files.

  +> Some sort of Data/Fax, Fax-Only option that would determine the adaptive
  +> answer default and whether or not faxgetty could call /etc/getty.

  +> This might address Nico's security concern.

  Dmitry> No problem. Just implement it in faxaddmodem (also mgetty as an
  Dmitry> option, auto-PPP configuring etc.) I wish you good luck :-)

It's not as ridiculous as you seem to be suggesting here. Are you always so closed-minded regarding other people's proposed solutions?


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