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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts
>>>>> On 23 Jun 2000, "Dmitry" == Dmitry Bely wrote:
Dmitry> Thinking so we cannot fix *any* bug (not only in config templates,
Dmitry> but also in the sources itself), because bugfix cannot be tested on
Dmitry> any modem (and also any computer/OS combination) in the world :-)
Don't be ridiculous. Tim was proposing making a change based on knowledge. ie:
test and see if we can delete it without causing problems, and in the process
think about why we might want this config item removed. You on the other hand
were proposing a change based on LACK of knowledge. . . you didn't understand
why it might be there so therefore it needs to be DELETED?
DELETED? No thanks. Deactivated and commented clearly perhaps, but unless it's
clearly wrong, and you did not make that case clear in your original message,
well then I think it would be reckless to delete.
Dmitry> Other issue: should we test if ATA really works in any modem? :-)
You'll find people are much more receptive to your comments if you remain
civil. The comment above serves no purpose but to frustrate people who are
trying to respond to your proposal. They deserve a fair, measured hearing just
as you do.
Dmitry> Third issue: 90% of those config templates are absolutely
Dmitry> unnecessary, believe me :-)
Prove it ;-) You've yet to convince me.
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