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[hylafax-devel] Re: A somewhat specialized dialback patch
Geoff Kuenning <geoff@cs.hmc.edu> writes:
> The enclosed little patch modifies the Hylafax daemon so that when a
> call is not answered correctly, a configurable command can be
> executed. I wrote this because I wanted to leave my modem always
> ready to receive faxes, but I also needed a way to force my machine to
> dial my ISP. After making the patch, I can call my fax number and
> hang up when the fax tone comes through.
What if somebody else did the same (or real fax call was failed)? Your
fax service would be blocked ...
> A few minutes later,
> courtesy of the "failed answer" command, my machine comes online and
> sends me a note (which as a side effect tells me the IP address it is
> using). This allows me to easily access my home machine from work,
> even though I only have a dialup account.
Excuse but this is only dirty hack. I am strongly disagree.
Why Adaptive Answer is not enough for you? Login to your home computer and
then run any script you like (of course, it can be easily done
Hope to hear from you soon,
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