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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts


Just to clear up...

programming the modem for auto answer has no bearing on the adaptive
answer feature.....

that's controlled by ( from memory ) RingsBeforeAnswer

Totally different thing...

what is in discussion is when the modem is enabled for auto answer,
should it only receive fax calls, or data calls as well?

in over 200 HylaFAX installs that I have done, only 5 have been 
receive fax only environments.  The rest are all data and fax answering

I guess that's pretty controversial...

Since there is no one way to enable a modem for Adaptive Answer, I 
think AT THE MINIMUM, the proper commands should be in the file, but
commented out.  

I personally think that if a person is enabling the modem to answer the
phone, they are aware of what they are doing, and it would be "nice"
if the modem would do the most versatile thing possible, but it's not
really that big of a deal.

> On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Tim Rice wrote:
> > > current hylafax docs (config(5f) an other). There is an "adaptive answer"
> > > paragrapth in "advanced config" section, explaining how to properly set 
> > > it up. Current docs says that AA feature is not enabled by default (I
> > > already explained why this is the right decision). Why I cannot make
> > > Hylafax consistent with the current documentation?
> > 
> > It really comes down to fix the code to match the docs or
> > fix the docs to match the code. It sounds like Steve & I (Tim) like the
> > current defaults that do not match the docs. It sounds like You (Dmitry)
> > and Nico would like the code to match the docs (no AA by default).
> > 
> > I suppose I could live with the no AA default if all I had to
> > do was uncomment a line in the config (those that allready support it)
> > file to enable it.
> I agree. It is such a potential security hole in an unsuspecting
> person's config files that it should not be the default.
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	Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	Genie Computer Systems Inc.

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 no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )

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