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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

Steve Williams <steve@genie96.com> writes:

Means that you are agree with everything skipped and I may change
config/usr-xon and similar files the proposed way?

> I object to the ModemSetupAACmd being commented out because....
> You have to remember that HylaFAX replaces the normal system getty, and
> people should be able to dial in to their system with a data modem and get a 
> "login: " prompt WITHOUT having to read manuals
anyway it's impossible.
a) not all modems supports this feature
b) not all templates enable it (even if modem-supported)
c) GettyArgs usually also should be tuned - requires reading manual
d) BTW, "auto-answer" chapter is placed into ADVANCED SERVER CONFIGURATION
section of the docs. Don't you wonder why? :-)

> and try to understand how to
> configure their modem for adaptive answer.
> Many installations are not just for fax use, many are used for data as well.
> I feel that Adaptive Answer SHOULD be enabled in all config files.
> It doesn't break the fax operation at all, so it is just increased 
> functionality of the software.

Sometimes it *does* break fax operation -- modem may incorrectly recognize
type of the call and it will be lost. There are also timeout problems -- AA 
tries data connection first, so sometimes the remote hangs up before the
connection is established. Also see setup-advanced.html:

The adaptive-answer algorithm used by some modems can confuse
some fax machines and/or data modems.
If you do not intend to service both data and fax calls you may
not want to configure adpative-answer for inbound calls.

> I know for sure the MultiTech ZDX 56K modems with the Rockwell chipset
> need to be "idling in class 0" to do adaptive answer.

I don't believe :-))) Do you own such modem? If so, can you enter any
communication program (e.g. minicom) and try the following:


than call this modem from fax machine (data modem) and tell me what it
prints when establishing connection.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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