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[hylafax-devel] Re: Security patches for hylafax-v4.0pl2
John Holland <john@zoner.org> writes:
> > > IMHO it is better to spend some time learning how to this in C++
> > > than start right away fixing this with acient C-style
> > > programming.
> >
> >Personally I already know how to work with STL strings, containers,
> >iterators, and iostreams :-) But I am not going to rewrite string handling
> >in Hylafax (at least right now), because its protocol part still requires
> >some amount of work, and it is much more interesting for me :-)
> I be happy to start converting the fx* and string calls to STL, where
> feasible. It would be a good opportunity to get familiar with the code.
Good luck! If you succeed it would be really nice! To minimize code rewrite
you can try to inherit fxStr from standard basic_string<char> class
(implementing those methods, that are missed in basic_string), but IMHO
first of all it is necesary to convert all c-string calls to their fxStr
equivalents. Not so much time is left until 4.1 beta 3 release...
Hope to hear from you soon,
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