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[hylafax-devel] Re: Security patches for hylafax-v4.0pl2
Arjan Knepper <arjan@jak.nl> writes:
> > Frankly speaking, I don't like such fixes. First, snprintf-class functions
> > are non-standard (they are GNU extensions), and so may not be present in
> > any system. And second (more important) -- why use this ancient C-style
> > string manipulation functions with endless buffer overruns in the modern
> > C++ software? Better rewrite the code (not so much work) to use fxStr (or
> > standard string class which is preferable) instead.
> I agree with that, btw this is mentioned before.
> IMHO it is better to spend some time learning how to this in C++
> than start right away fixing this with acient C-style
> programming.
Personally I already know how to work with STL strings, containers,
iterators, and iostreams :-) But I am not going to rewrite string handling
in Hylafax (at least right now), because its protocol part still requires
some amount of work, and it is much more interesting for me :-)
> The standard C++ string classes are not that
> difficult to understand.
Sure. A must for any Hylafax (i.e. C++) developer.
Hope to hear from you soon,
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