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[hylafax-devel] Re: Security patches for hylafax-v4.0pl2
Hi John,
At 05:26 PM 6/14/00 -0400, John Holland wrote:
>I had a bit of time last weekend, so in the interest of patching the
>setuid uucp buffer overflow in faxalter and getting the FreeBSD/OpenBSD
>port current, I did a beginnings of a security audit on
>hylafax-v4.0pl2. Below are patches for various unbounded string copies in
>the source.
Please can you work against the current CVS not 4.0pl2(see
http://www.hylafax.org/cvs.html) - About 6 months ago when i last looked
the diff was about 10,000 lines long between 4.0pl2 and the then current
CVS(most of it was changing fxBool to bool but anyway...).
>The functions that I checked are:
>There were a few instances of possible unbounded character string copies
>that I did not alter. The fix was non-obvious and buried deep in support
>functions. I also did not check any possible race conditions.
>What is the status of hylafax-v4.0pl2? Is any work being done on it? Is
>another patch level forthcoming? Or is the effort being targeted to
>4.1beta? Would my time be better spent looking at the latter?
Tim Rice was doing(or thinking of doing a maintenance release of
4.0pl2)....i am not sure if he is still working on it.
The original maintainer of 4.0 no longer works with hylafax as far as i know.
Thanks for providing the diff i will have a look at it as soon as i get a
- Robert
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