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[hylafax-devel] Security patches for hylafax-v4.0pl2

I had a bit of time last weekend, so in the interest of patching the setuid 
uucp buffer overflow in faxalter and getting the FreeBSD/OpenBSD port 
current, I did a beginnings of a security audit on hylafax-v4.0pl2.  Below 
are patches for various unbounded string copies in the source.

The functions that I checked are:


There were a few instances of possible unbounded character string copies 
that I did not alter.  The fix was non-obvious and buried deep in support 
functions.  I also did not check any possible race conditions.

What is the status of hylafax-v4.0pl2?  Is any work being done on it?  Is 
another patch level forthcoming?  Or is the effort being targeted to 
4.1beta?  Would my time be better spent looking at the latter?

diff -cr ./faxalter/faxalter.c++ 
*** ./faxalter/faxalter.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:48:38 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxalter/faxalter.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:01:00 2000
*** 185,191 ****
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       char fmt[1024];
!     sprintf(fmt, "%s %s\n", groups ? "JGPARM" : "JPARM", fmt0);
       script.append(fxStr::vformat(fmt, ap));
--- 185,191 ----
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       char fmt[1024];
!     snprintf(fmt, 1024, "%s %s\n", groups ? "JGPARM" : "JPARM", fmt0);
       script.append(fxStr::vformat(fmt, ap));
diff -cr ./faxd/ClassModem.c++ 
*** ./faxd/ClassModem.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:16 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/ClassModem.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:45:00 2000
*** 169,175 ****
       protoTrace("DIAL %s", number);
       char buf[256];
!     sprintf(buf, (const char*) conf.dialCmd, number);
       emsg = "";
       CallStatus cs = (atCmd(buf, AT_NOTHING) ? dialResponse(emsg) : FAILURE);
       if (cs != OK && emsg == "")
--- 169,175 ----
       protoTrace("DIAL %s", number);
       char buf[256];
!     snprintf(buf, 256, (const char*) conf.dialCmd, number);
       emsg = "";
       CallStatus cs = (atCmd(buf, AT_NOTHING) ? dialResponse(emsg) : FAILURE);
       if (cs != OK && emsg == "")
diff -cr ./faxd/FaxMachineLog.c++ 
*** ./faxd/FaxMachineLog.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:21 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/FaxMachineLog.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:42:56 2000
*** 77,83 ****
       timeval tv;
       (void) gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
       strftime(buf, sizeof (buf), "%h %d %T", localtime((time_t*) 
!     sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), ".%02u: [%5d]: ", tv.tv_usec / 10000, pid);
        * Copy format string into a local buffer so
        * that we can substitute for %m, a la syslog.
--- 77,83 ----
       timeval tv;
       (void) gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
       strftime(buf, sizeof (buf), "%h %d %T", localtime((time_t*) 
!     snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), (16*1024)-strlen(buf), ".%02u: [%5d]: ", 
tv.tv_usec / 10000, pid);
        * Copy format string into a local buffer so
        * that we can substitute for %m, a la syslog.
*** 96,101 ****
       fmt.put('\n'); fmt.put('\0');
!     vsprintf(buf+strlen(buf), (const char*) fmt, ap);
       (void) Sys::write(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
--- 96,101 ----
       fmt.put('\n'); fmt.put('\0');
!     vsnprintf(buf+strlen(buf), (16*1024)-strlen(buf), (const char*) fmt, ap);
       (void) Sys::write(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
diff -cr ./faxd/FaxRecv.c++ 
*** ./faxd/FaxRecv.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:23 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/FaxRecv.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:43:55 2000
*** 139,145 ****
   	 * number file to reflect the allocation.
   	(void) flock(ftmp, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
! 	sprintf(line, "%u", seqnum);
   	(void) lseek(fseqf, 0, SEEK_SET);
   	if (Sys::write(fseqf, line, strlen(line)) != strlen(line) ||
   		ftruncate(fseqf,strlen(line))) {
--- 139,145 ----
   	 * number file to reflect the allocation.
   	(void) flock(ftmp, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
! 	snprintf(line, 16, "%u", seqnum);
   	(void) lseek(fseqf, 0, SEEK_SET);
   	if (Sys::write(fseqf, line, strlen(line)) != strlen(line) ||
   		ftruncate(fseqf,strlen(line))) {
diff -cr ./faxd/FaxRequest.c++ 
*** ./faxd/FaxRequest.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:24 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/FaxRequest.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:40:06 2000
*** 679,685 ****
   FaxRequest::error(const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[128];
!     sprintf(fmt, "%s: line %u: %s", (const char*) qfile, (u_int) lineno, 
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);
--- 679,685 ----
   FaxRequest::error(const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[128];
!     snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: line %u: %s", (const char*) qfile, (u_int) 
lineno, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);
diff -cr ./faxd/Job.c++ 
*** ./faxd/Job.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:32 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/Job.c++	Fri Jun  9 
15:39:26 2000
*** 171,177 ****
   #define	N(a)	(sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0]))
       if ((u_int) status >= N(names)) {
   	static char s[30];
! 	sprintf(s, "status_%u", (u_int) status);
   	return (s);
       } else
   	return (names[status]);
--- 171,177 ----
   #define	N(a)	(sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0]))
       if ((u_int) status >= N(names)) {
   	static char s[30];
! 	snprintf(s, 30, "status_%u", (u_int) status);
   	return (s);
       } else
   	return (names[status]);
diff -cr ./faxd/ModemServer.c++ 
*** ./faxd/ModemServer.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:34 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/ModemServer.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:38:47 2000
*** 604,610 ****
   	} while (ftmp < 0 && errno == EEXIST && --ntry >= 0);
   	if (ftmp >= 0) {
! 	    sprintf(line, "%u", seqnum);
   	    (void) lseek(fseqf, 0, SEEK_SET);
   	    if (Sys::write(fseqf, line, strlen(line)) != strlen(line) ||
--- 604,610 ----
   	} while (ftmp < 0 && errno == EEXIST && --ntry >= 0);
   	if (ftmp >= 0) {
! 	    snprintf(line, 1024, "%u", seqnum);
   	    (void) lseek(fseqf, 0, SEEK_SET);
   	    if (Sys::write(fseqf, line, strlen(line)) != strlen(line) ||
*** 806,812 ****
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       char fmt[256];
!     sprintf(fmt, "MODEM %s", fmt0);
       vtraceStatus(FAXTRACE_MODEMOPS, fmt, ap);
--- 806,812 ----
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       char fmt[256];
!     snprintf(fmt, 256, "MODEM %s", fmt0);
       vtraceStatus(FAXTRACE_MODEMOPS, fmt, ap);
diff -cr ./faxd/ServerConfig.c++ 
*** ./faxd/ServerConfig.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:36 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/ServerConfig.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:18:20 2000
*** 373,381 ****
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	sprintf(fmt, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	sprintf(fmt, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);

--- 373,381 ----
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);

*** 384,392 ****
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	sprintf(fmt, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	sprintf(fmt, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogWarning(fmt, ap);

--- 384,392 ----
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogWarning(fmt, ap);

diff -cr ./faxd/faxApp.c++ 
*** ./faxd/faxApp.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:39 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/faxApp.c++	Fri Jun  9 
15:17:18 2000
*** 231,237 ****
   	    logError("fcntl: %m");
       char msg[4096];
!     vsprintf(msg, fmt, ap);
       u_int len = strlen(msg)+1;
       if (Sys::write(faxqfifo, msg, len) != len) {
   	if (errno == EBADF || errno == EPIPE)		// reader expired
--- 231,237 ----
   	    logError("fcntl: %m");
       char msg[4096];
!     vsnprintf(msg, 4096, fmt, ap);
       u_int len = strlen(msg)+1;
       if (Sys::write(faxqfifo, msg, len) != len) {
   	if (errno == EBADF || errno == EPIPE)		// reader expired
*** 263,269 ****
   faxApp::sendModemStatus(const char* devid, const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[2*1024];
!     sprintf(fmt, "+%s:%s", devid, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       fxBool ok = vsendQueuer(fmt, ap);
--- 263,269 ----
   faxApp::sendModemStatus(const char* devid, const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[2*1024];
!     snprintf(fmt, 2048, "+%s:%s", devid, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       fxBool ok = vsendQueuer(fmt, ap);
*** 278,284 ****
   faxApp::sendJobStatus(const char* jobid, const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[2*1024];
!     sprintf(fmt, "*%s:%s", jobid, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       fxBool ok = vsendQueuer(fmt, ap);
--- 278,284 ----
   faxApp::sendJobStatus(const char* jobid, const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[2*1024];
!     snprintf(fmt, 2048, "*%s:%s", jobid, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       fxBool ok = vsendQueuer(fmt, ap);
*** 293,299 ****
   faxApp::sendRecvStatus(const char* devid, const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[2*1024];
!     sprintf(fmt, "@%s:%s", devid, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       fxBool ok = vsendQueuer(fmt, ap);
--- 293,299 ----
   faxApp::sendRecvStatus(const char* devid, const char* fmt0 ...)
       char fmt[2*1024];
!     snprintf(fmt, 2048, "@%s:%s", devid, fmt0);
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt0);
       fxBool ok = vsendQueuer(fmt, ap);
diff -cr ./faxd/faxQueueApp.c++ 
*** ./faxd/faxQueueApp.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:42 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/faxQueueApp.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:13:31 2000
*** 971,980 ****
   	 *   -m <maxpages>	max pages to generate
   	 *   -1|-2		1d or 2d encoding
! 	char rbuf[20]; sprintf(rbuf, "%u", params.verticalRes());
! 	char wbuf[20]; sprintf(wbuf, "%u", params.pageWidth());
! 	char lbuf[20]; sprintf(lbuf, "%d", params.pageLength());
! 	char mbuf[20]; sprintf(mbuf, "%u", dci.getMaxSendPages());
   	const char* argv[30];
   	int ac = 0;
   	switch (req.op) {
--- 971,980 ----
   	 *   -m <maxpages>	max pages to generate
   	 *   -1|-2		1d or 2d encoding
! 	char rbuf[20]; snprintf(rbuf, 20, "%u", params.verticalRes());
! 	char wbuf[20]; snprintf(wbuf, 20, "%u", params.pageWidth());
! 	char lbuf[20]; snprintf(lbuf, 20, "%d", params.pageLength());
! 	char mbuf[20]; snprintf(mbuf, 20, "%u", dci.getMaxSendPages());
   	const char* argv[30];
   	int ac = 0;
   	switch (req.op) {
*** 2726,2734 ****
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	sprintf(fmt, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	sprintf(fmt, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);

--- 2726,2734 ----
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);

*** 2737,2745 ****
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	sprintf(fmt, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	sprintf(fmt, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogWarning(fmt, ap);

--- 2737,2745 ----
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogWarning(fmt, ap);

diff -cr ./faxd/trigtest.c++ 
*** ./faxd/trigtest.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:49:47 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/faxd/trigtest.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 15:20:07 2000
*** 296,302 ****
       int fd, n;
       char msg[256];

!     sprintf(fifoName, "client/%u", getpid());
       if (Sys::mkfifo(fifoName, 0666) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
--- 296,302 ----
       int fd, n;
       char msg[256];

!     snprintf(fifoName, 80, "client/%u", getpid());
       if (Sys::mkfifo(fifoName, 0666) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
*** 309,315 ****
!     sprintf(msg, "T%s:N%s", fifoName, trigger);
       send(msg, strlen(msg)+1);
       for (;;) {
--- 309,315 ----
!     snprintf(msg, 256, "T%s:N%s", fifoName, trigger);
       send(msg, strlen(msg)+1);
       for (;;) {
diff -cr ./hfaxd/HylaFAXServer.c++ 
*** ./hfaxd/HylaFAXServer.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:50:02 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd/HylaFAXServer.c++ 
Fri Jun  9 16:47:47 2000
*** 161,169 ****
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	sprintf(fmt, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	sprintf(fmt, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);

--- 161,169 ----
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogError(fmt, ap);

*** 172,180 ****
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	sprintf(fmt, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	sprintf(fmt, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogWarning(fmt, ap);

--- 172,180 ----
       char fmt[128];
       if (module != NULL)
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "%s: Warning, %s.", module, fmt0);
! 	snprintf(fmt, 128, "Warning, %s.", fmt0);
       vlogWarning(fmt, ap);

*** 530,536 ****
   	    filename, line);
   	seqnum = 1;
!     sprintf(line, "%u", NEXTSEQNUM(seqnum+count));
       lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       if (Sys::write(fd, line, strlen(line)) != strlen(line) ||
   		ftruncate(fd,strlen(line))) {
--- 530,536 ----
   	    filename, line);
   	seqnum = 1;
!     snprintf(line, 1024, "%u", NEXTSEQNUM(seqnum+count));
       lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       if (Sys::write(fd, line, strlen(line)) != strlen(line) ||
   		ftruncate(fd,strlen(line))) {
diff -cr ./hfaxd/Jobs.c++ 
*** ./hfaxd/Jobs.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:50:05 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd/Jobs.c++	Fri Jun  9 
16:46:19 2000
*** 1646,1652 ****
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, (const char*) job.company);
   	    case 'D':
! 		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%2u:%-2u", job.totdials, job.maxdials);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'E':
--- 1646,1652 ----
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, (const char*) job.company);
   	    case 'D':
! 		snprintf(tmpbuf, 20, "%2u:%-2u", job.totdials, job.maxdials);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'E':
*** 1683,1689 ****
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, "N "[job.useccover]);
   	    case 'P':
! 		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%2u:%-2u", job.npages, job.totpages);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'Q':
--- 1683,1689 ----
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, "N "[job.useccover]);
   	    case 'P':
! 		snprintf(tmpbuf, 20, "%2u:%-2u", job.npages, job.totpages);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'Q':
*** 1696,1706 ****
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, (const char*) job.sender);
   	    case 'T':
! 		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%2u:%-2u", job.tottries, job.maxtries);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'U':
! 		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%.1f", job.chopthreshold);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'V':
--- 1696,1706 ----
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, (const char*) job.sender);
   	    case 'T':
! 		snprintf(tmpbuf, 20, "%2u:%-2u", job.tottries, job.maxtries);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'U':
! 		snprintf(tmpbuf, 20, "%.1f", job.chopthreshold);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
   	    case 'V':
diff -cr ./hfaxd/OldProtocol.c++ 
*** ./hfaxd/OldProtocol.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:50:07 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd/OldProtocol.c++	Sat 
Jun 10 13:41:24 2000
*** 352,359 ****
   OldProtocolServer::vsendClient(const char* tag, const char* fmt, va_list ap)
       char buf[2048];
!     sprintf(buf, "%s:", tag);
!     vsprintf(strchr(buf,'\0'), fmt, ap);
       fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", buf);
       if (TRACE(PROTOCOL))
   	logDebug("%s", buf);
--- 352,359 ----
   OldProtocolServer::vsendClient(const char* tag, const char* fmt, va_list ap)
       char buf[2048];
!     snprintf(buf, 2048, "%s:", tag);
!     vsnprintf(strchr(buf, '\0'), 2048-strlen(buf), fmt, ap);
       fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", buf);
       if (TRACE(PROTOCOL))
   	logDebug("%s", buf);
*** 472,490 ****
       buf[0] = '\0';
       if (pwd->pw_gecos) {
   	if (pwd->pw_gecos[0] == '&') {
! 	    strcpy(buf, pwd->pw_name);
! 	    strcat(buf, pwd->pw_gecos+1);
   	    if (islower(buf[0]))
   		buf[0] = toupper(buf[0]);
   	} else
! 	    strcpy(buf, pwd->pw_gecos);
   	if ((cp = strchr(buf,',')) != 0)
   	    *cp = '\0';
   	/* see FaxClient::setupUserIdentity; strip SysV junk */
   	if ((cp = strchr(buf,'(')) != 0)
   	    *cp = '\0';
       } else
! 	strcpy(buf, pwd->pw_name);
       if (TRACE(PROTOCOL)) {
   	if (*buf)
   	     logDebug("%s user: \"%s\"", pwd->pw_name, buf);
--- 472,491 ----
       buf[0] = '\0';
       if (pwd->pw_gecos) {
   	if (pwd->pw_gecos[0] == '&') {
! 	    strncpy(buf, pwd->pw_name, sizeof(buf));
! 	    strncat(buf, pwd->pw_gecos+1,
! 		sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf));
   	    if (islower(buf[0]))
   		buf[0] = toupper(buf[0]);
   	} else
! 	    strncpy(buf, pwd->pw_gecos, sizeof(buf));
   	if ((cp = strchr(buf,',')) != 0)
   	    *cp = '\0';
   	/* see FaxClient::setupUserIdentity; strip SysV junk */
   	if ((cp = strchr(buf,'(')) != 0)
   	    *cp = '\0';
       } else
! 	strncpy(buf, pwd->pw_name, sizeof(buf));
       if (TRACE(PROTOCOL)) {
   	if (*buf)
   	     logDebug("%s user: \"%s\"", pwd->pw_name, buf);
Only in /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd: OldProtocol.c++~
diff -cr ./hfaxd/Status.c++ 
*** ./hfaxd/Status.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:50:09 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd/Status.c++	Sat Jun 
10 13:43:50 2000
*** 260,275 ****
   	    case 'r':
   		if (config.maxRecvPages == (u_int) -1)
! 		    strcpy(tmpbuf, "INF");
! 		    sprintf(tmpbuf, "%u", config.maxRecvPages);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, config.maxRecvPages);
   	    case 's':
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, (const char*) config.status);
   	    case 't':
! 		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%05x:%05x",
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
--- 260,275 ----
   	    case 'r':
   		if (config.maxRecvPages == (u_int) -1)
! 		    strncpy(tmpbuf, "INF", sizeof(tmpbuf));
! 		    snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%u", config.maxRecvPages);
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, config.maxRecvPages);
   	    case 's':
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, (const char*) config.status);
   	    case 't':
! 		snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%05x:%05x",
   		fprintf(fd, fspec, tmpbuf);
Only in /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd: Status.c++~
diff -cr ./hfaxd/UnixFaxServer.c++ 
*** ./hfaxd/UnixFaxServer.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:50:14 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/hfaxd/UnixFaxServer.c++ 
Fri Jun  9 17:01:32 2000
*** 126,132 ****
       if (s >= 0) {
   	/* anchor socket to avoid multi-homing problems */
   	data_source.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
! 	strcpy(data_source.sun_path, ctrl_addr.sun_path);
   	if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr*) &data_source, sizeof (data_source)) >= 0) {
   	    return (fdopen(s, mode));
--- 126,132 ----
       if (s >= 0) {
   	/* anchor socket to avoid multi-homing problems */
   	data_source.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
! 	strncpy(data_source.sun_path, ctrl_addr.sun_path, 
   	if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr*) &data_source, sizeof (data_source)) >= 0) {
   	    return (fdopen(s, mode));
Only in .: patch-aa
diff -cr ./port/syslog.c 
*** ./port/syslog.c	Sat Feb 14 05:50:42 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/port/syslog.c	Fri Jun  9 
23:26:03 2000
*** 104,119 ****

   	/* build the message */
! 	(void)sprintf(tbuf, "<%d>%.15s ", pri, ctime(&now) + 4);
   	for (p = tbuf; *p; ++p);
   	if (LogStat & LOG_PERROR)
   		stdp = p;
   	if (LogTag) {
! 		(void)strcpy(p, LogTag);
   		for (; *p; ++p);
   	if (LogStat & LOG_PID) {
! 		(void)sprintf(p, "[%d]", getpid());
   		for (; *p; ++p);
   	if (LogTag) {
--- 104,122 ----

   	/* build the message */
! 	(void)snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)-4, "<%d>%.15s ",
! 		pri, ctime(&now) + 4);
   	for (p = tbuf; *p; ++p);
   	if (LogStat & LOG_PERROR)
   		stdp = p;
   	if (LogTag) {
! 		(void)strncpy(p, LogTag, sizeof(tbuf)-(size_t)(p-tbuf)-4);
! 		tbuf[sizeof(tbuf)-1] = '\0';
   		for (; *p; ++p);
   	if (LogStat & LOG_PID) {
! 		(void)snprintf(p,
! 			sizeof(tbuf)-(size_t)(p-tbuf)-4, "[%d]", getpid());
   		for (; *p; ++p);
   	if (LogTag) {
*** 137,143 ****
   		*t1 = '\0';

! 	(void)vsprintf(p, fmt_cpy, ap);

   	cnt = strlen(tbuf);

--- 140,146 ----
   		*t1 = '\0';

! 	(void)vsnprintf(p, sizeof(tbuf)-(size_t)(p-tbuf)-2, fmt_cpy, ap);

   	cnt = strlen(tbuf);

diff -cr ./port/vsyslog.c 
*** ./port/vsyslog.c	Sat Feb 14 05:50:42 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/port/vsyslog.c	Fri Jun  9 
23:29:05 2000
*** 49,54 ****
   		*cp++ = c;
   	    *cp = '\0';
! 	(void) vsprintf(tbuf, fmt_cpy, ap);
   	(void) syslog(pri, "%s", tbuf);
--- 49,54 ----
   		*cp++ = c;
   	    *cp = '\0';
! 	(void) vsnprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), fmt_cpy, ap);
   	(void) syslog(pri, "%s", tbuf);
diff -cr ./regex/engine.c 
*** ./regex/engine.c	Sat Feb 14 05:48:19 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/regex/engine.c	Sat Jun 10 
11:37:57 2000
*** 1065,1073 ****
   	static char pbuf[10];

   	if (isprint(ch) || ch == ' ')
! 		sprintf(pbuf, "%c", ch);
! 		sprintf(pbuf, "\\%o", ch);
--- 1065,1073 ----
   	static char pbuf[10];

   	if (isprint(ch) || ch == ' ')
! 		snprintf(pbuf, 10, "%c", ch);
! 		snprintf(pbuf, 10, "\\%o", ch);
diff -cr ./regex/regerror.c 
*** ./regex/regerror.c	Sat Feb 14 05:48:21 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/regex/regerror.c	Sat Jun 
10 11:36:28 2000
*** 134,142 ****
   		if (errcode&REG_ITOA) {
   			if (r->code != 0)
! 				(void) strcpy(convbuf, r->name);
! 				sprintf(convbuf, "REG_0x%x", target);
   			assert(strlen(convbuf) < sizeof(convbuf));
   			s = convbuf;
   		} else
--- 134,144 ----
   		if (errcode&REG_ITOA) {
   			if (r->code != 0)
! 				(void) strncpy(convbuf, r->name,
! 					sizeof(convbuf));
! 				snprintf(convbuf, sizeof(convbuf),
! 					"REG_0x%x", target);
   			assert(strlen(convbuf) < sizeof(convbuf));
   			s = convbuf;
   		} else
diff -cr ./sgi2fax/imgtofax.c 
*** ./sgi2fax/imgtofax.c	Sat Feb 14 05:50:22 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/sgi2fax/imgtofax.c	Fri 
Jun  9 23:35:05 2000
*** 214,220 ****
       TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER, pn, npages);
       { char buf[1024];
!       sprintf(buf, "Ditherered B&W version of %s", input);
         TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, buf);
       TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, "sgi2fax");
--- 214,220 ----
       TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER, pn, npages);
       { char buf[1024];
!       snprintf(buf, 1024, "Ditherered B&W version of %s", input);
         TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, buf);
       TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, "sgi2fax");
diff -cr ./util/FaxClient.c++ 
*** ./util/FaxClient.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:47:16 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/FaxClient.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 23:47:23 2000
*** 622,628 ****
   	    traceServer("-> ADMIN XXXX");
   	else {
   	    char buf[128];
! 	    sprintf(buf, "-> %s", fmt);
   	    vtraceServer(buf, ap);
--- 622,628 ----
   	    traceServer("-> ADMIN XXXX");
   	else {
   	    char buf[128];
! 	    snprintf(buf, 128, "-> %s", fmt);
   	    vtraceServer(buf, ap);
diff -cr ./util/PageSize.c++ 
*** ./util/PageSize.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:47:21 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/PageSize.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 23:57:44 2000
*** 72,78 ****
       char file[1024];
!     sprintf(file, "%s/%s", FAX_LIBDATA, FAX_PAGESIZES);
       PageInfoArray* info = new PageInfoArray;
       FILE* fp = fopen(file, "r");
       u_int lineno = 0;
--- 72,78 ----
       char file[1024];
!     snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", FAX_LIBDATA, FAX_PAGESIZES);
       PageInfoArray* info = new PageInfoArray;
       FILE* fp = fopen(file, "r");
       u_int lineno = 0;
diff -cr ./util/SNPPClient.c++ 
*** ./util/SNPPClient.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:47:25 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/SNPPClient.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 23:57:07 2000
*** 638,644 ****
   	    traceServer("-> LOGI XXXX");
   	else {
   	    char buf[128];
! 	    sprintf(buf, "-> %s", fmt);
   	    vtraceServer(buf, ap);
--- 638,644 ----
   	    traceServer("-> LOGI XXXX");
   	else {
   	    char buf[128];
! 	    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-> %s", fmt);
   	    vtraceServer(buf, ap);
diff -cr ./util/StackBuffer.c++ 
*** ./util/StackBuffer.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:47:26 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/StackBuffer.c++	Fri 
Jun  9 23:55:42 2000
*** 105,111 ****
   fxStackBuffer::vput(const char* fmt, va_list ap)
       char buf[8*1024];
!     vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);

--- 105,111 ----
   fxStackBuffer::vput(const char* fmt, va_list ap)
       char buf[8*1024];
!     vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);

diff -cr ./util/Str.c++ 
*** ./util/Str.c++	Sat Feb 14 05:47:27 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/Str.c++	Fri Jun  9 
15:36:38 2000
*** 91,97 ****
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%d";
!     sprintf(buffer,format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       data = (char*) malloc(slength);
--- 91,97 ----
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%d";
!     snprintf(buffer, NUMBUFSIZE, format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       data = (char*) malloc(slength);
*** 101,107 ****
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%ld";
!     sprintf(buffer,format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       data = (char*) malloc(slength);
--- 101,107 ----
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%ld";
!     snprintf(buffer, NUMBUFSIZE, format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       data = (char*) malloc(slength);
*** 111,117 ****
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%g";
!     sprintf(buffer,format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       fxAssert(slength>1, "Str::Str(float): bogus conversion");
       data = (char*) malloc(slength);
--- 111,117 ----
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%g";
!     snprintf(buffer, NUMBUFSIZE, format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       fxAssert(slength>1, "Str::Str(float): bogus conversion");
       data = (char*) malloc(slength);
*** 122,128 ****
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%lg";
!     sprintf(buffer,format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       fxAssert(slength>1, "Str::Str(double): bogus conversion");
       data = (char*) malloc(slength); // XXX assume slength>1
--- 122,128 ----
       char buffer[NUMBUFSIZE];
       if (!format) format = "%lg";
!     snprintf(buffer, NUMBUFSIZE, format,a);
       slength = strlen(buffer) + 1;
       fxAssert(slength>1, "Str::Str(double): bogus conversion");
       data = (char*) malloc(slength); // XXX assume slength>1
*** 141,147 ****
       char buf[4096];
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt);
!     vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
       return fxStr(buf);
--- 141,147 ----
       char buf[4096];
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt);
!     vsnprintf(buf, 4096, fmt, ap);
       return fxStr(buf);
*** 150,156 ****
   fxStr::vformat(const char* fmt, va_list ap)
       char buf[4096];
!     vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
       return fxStr(buf);

--- 150,156 ----
   fxStr::vformat(const char* fmt, va_list ap)
       char buf[4096];
!     vsnprintf(buf, 4096, fmt, ap);
       return fxStr(buf);

diff -cr ./util/faxconfig.c 
*** ./util/faxconfig.c	Sat Feb 14 05:47:57 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/faxconfig.c	Fri 
Jun  9 23:49:19 2000
*** 81,92 ****
       if (devid != NULL) {
   	if (devid[0] == FAX_FIFO[0])
! 	    strcpy(fifoname, devid);
! 	    sprintf(fifoname, "%s.%.*s", FAX_FIFO,
   		sizeof (fifoname) - sizeof (FAX_FIFO), devid);
       } else
! 	strcpy(fifoname, FAX_FIFO);
       for (cp = fifoname; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
       if (chdir(spooldir) < 0)
--- 81,92 ----
       if (devid != NULL) {
   	if (devid[0] == FAX_FIFO[0])
! 	    strncpy(fifoname, devid, sizeof(fifoname));
! 	    snprintf(fifoname, sizeof(fifoname), "%s.%.*s", FAX_FIFO,
   		sizeof (fifoname) - sizeof (FAX_FIFO), devid);
       } else
! 	strncpy(fifoname, FAX_FIFO, sizeof(fifoname));
       for (cp = fifoname; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
       if (chdir(spooldir) < 0)
*** 111,120 ****
   		quote = 1;
   	    cmd = malloc(strlen(argv[optind])+strlen(argv[optind+1])+10);
   	    if (quote)
! 		sprintf(cmd, "C%s%s:\"%s\"",
   		    isQueuer ? ":" : "", argv[optind], argv[optind+1]);
! 		sprintf(cmd, "C%s%s:%s",
   		    isQueuer ? ":" : "", argv[optind], argv[optind+1]);
   	    if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   		fatal("%s: FIFO write failed for command (%s)",
--- 111,120 ----
   		quote = 1;
   	    cmd = malloc(strlen(argv[optind])+strlen(argv[optind+1])+10);
   	    if (quote)
! 		snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "C%s%s:\"%s\"",
   		    isQueuer ? ":" : "", argv[optind], argv[optind+1]);
! 		snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "C%s%s:%s",
   		    isQueuer ? ":" : "", argv[optind], argv[optind+1]);
   	    if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   		fatal("%s: FIFO write failed for command (%s)",
diff -cr ./util/faxmodem.c 
*** ./util/faxmodem.c	Sat Feb 14 05:47:57 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/faxmodem.c	Fri Jun  9 
23:50:28 2000
*** 243,251 ****
       if (optind != argc-1)
   	fatal("Missing modem device.\nusage: %s %s modem", argv[0], usage);
       if (strncmp(argv[optind], _PATH_DEV, strlen(_PATH_DEV)) == 0)
! 	strcpy(devname, argv[optind]+strlen(_PATH_DEV));
! 	strcpy(devname, argv[optind]);
       for (cp = devname; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
       if (chdir(spooldir) < 0)
--- 243,251 ----
       if (optind != argc-1)
   	fatal("Missing modem device.\nusage: %s %s modem", argv[0], usage);
       if (strncmp(argv[optind], _PATH_DEV, strlen(_PATH_DEV)) == 0)
! 	strncpy(devname, argv[optind]+strlen(_PATH_DEV), sizeof(devname));
! 	strncpy(devname, argv[optind], sizeof(devname));
       for (cp = devname; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
       if (chdir(spooldir) < 0)
*** 254,262 ****
       if (fifo < 0)
   	fatal("%s: open: %s", FAX_FIFO, strerror(errno));
       if (priority != -1)
! 	sprintf(cmd, "+%s:R%c%08x:%x", devname, canpoll, caps, priority);
! 	sprintf(cmd, "+%s:R%c%08x", devname, canpoll, caps);
       if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	fatal("%s: FIFO write failed for command (%s)",
   	    argv[0], strerror(errno));
--- 254,263 ----
       if (fifo < 0)
   	fatal("%s: open: %s", FAX_FIFO, strerror(errno));
       if (priority != -1)
! 	snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "+%s:R%c%08x:%x", devname, canpoll,
! 		caps, priority);
! 	snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "+%s:R%c%08x", devname, canpoll, caps);
       if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	fatal("%s: FIFO write failed for command (%s)",
   	    argv[0], strerror(errno));
diff -cr ./util/faxmsg.c 
*** ./util/faxmsg.c	Sat Feb 14 05:47:58 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/faxmsg.c	Fri Jun  9 
23:51:29 2000
*** 108,119 ****
       if (optind == argc-1) {
   	if (argv[optind][0] == FAX_FIFO[0])
! 	    strcpy(fifoname, argv[optind]);
! 	    sprintf(fifoname, "%s.%.*s", FAX_FIFO,
   		sizeof (fifoname) - sizeof (FAX_FIFO), argv[optind]);
       } else if (!modemRequired) {
! 	strcpy(fifoname, FAX_FIFO);
       } else
   	fatal("usage: %s %s", argv[0], usage);
       for (cp = fifoname; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
--- 108,119 ----
       if (optind == argc-1) {
   	if (argv[optind][0] == FAX_FIFO[0])
! 	    strncpy(fifoname, argv[optind], sizeof(fifoname));
! 	    snprintf(fifoname, sizeof(fifoname), "%s.%.*s", FAX_FIFO,
   		sizeof (fifoname) - sizeof (FAX_FIFO), argv[optind]);
       } else if (!modemRequired) {
! 	strncpy(fifoname, FAX_FIFO, sizeof(fifoname));
       } else
   	fatal("usage: %s %s", argv[0], usage);
       for (cp = fifoname; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
*** 123,129 ****
       fifo = open(fifoname, O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY);
       if (fifo < 0)
   	fatal("%s: open: %s", fifoname, strerror(errno));
!     sprintf(cmd, cmdfmt, arg);
       if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	fatal("FIFO write failed for command (%s)", strerror(errno));
       (void) close(fifo);
--- 123,129 ----
       fifo = open(fifoname, O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY);
       if (fifo < 0)
   	fatal("%s: open: %s", fifoname, strerror(errno));
!     snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), cmdfmt, arg);
       if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	fatal("FIFO write failed for command (%s)", strerror(errno));
       (void) close(fifo);
diff -cr ./util/faxstate.c 
*** ./util/faxstate.c	Sat Feb 14 05:47:58 1998
--- /usr/ports/comms/hylafax_new/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util/faxstate.c	Fri Jun  9 
23:38:55 2000
*** 113,119 ****
       if (optind != argc-1)
   	fatal("Bad option `%c'; usage: %s %s modem", c, argv[0], usage);
!     strcpy(devid, argv[optind]);
       for (cp = devid; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
       if (chdir(spooldir) < 0)
--- 113,119 ----
       if (optind != argc-1)
   	fatal("Bad option `%c'; usage: %s %s modem", c, argv[0], usage);
!     strncpy(devid, argv[optind], sizeof(devid));
       for (cp = devid; cp = strchr(cp, '/'); *cp++ = '_')
       if (chdir(spooldir) < 0)
*** 126,141 ****
   	fifo = open(FAX_FIFO, O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY);
   	if (fifo < 0)
   	    fatal("%s: open: %s", FAX_FIFO, strerror(errno));
! 	sprintf(cmd, "+%s:%s", devid, arg);
   	if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	    fatal("FIFO write failed for command (%s)", strerror(errno));
       } else {
! 	sprintf(fifoname, "%s.%.*s", FAX_FIFO,
   	    sizeof (fifoname) - sizeof (FAX_FIFO), devid);
   	fifo = open(fifoname, O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY);
   	if (fifo < 0)
   	    fatal("%s: open: %s", fifoname, strerror(errno));
! 	sprintf(cmd, "S%s", arg);
   	if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	    fatal("FIFO write failed for command (%s)", strerror(errno));
--- 126,141 ----
   	fifo = open(FAX_FIFO, O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY);
   	if (fifo < 0)
   	    fatal("%s: open: %s", FAX_FIFO, strerror(errno));
! 	snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "+%s:%s", devid, arg);
   	if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	    fatal("FIFO write failed for command (%s)", strerror(errno));
       } else {
! 	snprintf(fifoname, sizeof(cmd), "%s.%.*s", FAX_FIFO,
   	    sizeof (fifoname) - sizeof (FAX_FIFO), devid);
   	fifo = open(fifoname, O_WRONLY|O_NDELAY);
   	if (fifo < 0)
   	    fatal("%s: open: %s", fifoname, strerror(errno));
! 	snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "S%s", arg);
   	if (write(fifo, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd))
   	    fatal("FIFO write failed for command (%s)", strerror(errno));

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