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[hylafax-devel] Re: Supported Platforms/Security mods?
At 11:04 AM 6/13/00 -0700, Andy Sparrow wrote:
> > The current plan for beta 3, in my head is:
> > - suse ip-source routing patches
> > - fix big manpage cgi-bin security hole..yes this is still not
> > done:-(
>Errr, I'm sorry, manpage cgi-bin security hole - I'd not previously
>heard about that. Any reference for that, keyword I can search on,
>What's the issue?
Try http://www.abcdef.com/cgi-bin/manpage?/etc/passwd
on any system with gnu man the systems password file is displayed. Other
systems might be vulnerable with the right combination of backslashes and
quoting. The shell script need to be fixed to strip the extra characters
out of the $QUERY_STRING. There is a faq on w3c.org listing the characters
that need to be removed:
> > - dmitrys patches.
> > - stuff that i have forgot about
>Err, could you list those, please? ;-)
Don't worry i will know about all of them within 24 hours of posting the
- Robert
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