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[hylafax-devel] sendfax

hello all, 
i have downloaded hylafax-v4.0pl2... and installed
i see files added to /usr/local

and in /usr/local/bin, i have
fax2ps, fax2tiff, gif2tiff, ppm2tiff, rgb2ycbcr,
tiff2bw, etc.. 

and reading the FAQ, i noticed the mention of sendfax
program... may i know where i can obtain this? and
it's source code? i only needed this part..

what i'd like to do is to send fax via a faxmodem
connected to my solaris 2.7 system. 

basically, i would like to implement this in C/C++ and
i don't know a bit about fax, really...

hoping to hear for your valuable pointer...

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