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[hylafax-devel] Re: Supported Platforms/Security mods?
On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Robert Colquhoun wrote:
> Hi,
> At 02:52 PM 6/7/00 -0700, Andy Sparrow wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >Platforms:
> >
> > I'm unclear, as to the supported platforms (real or intended).
> >
> > In other words, can (should) I assume reasonably modern
> > OSs that have all the above as native functionality in libc
> > (or where-ever), or does this all need to be done conditionally
> > because someone, somewhere is still running SunOS 3.x on
> > a Sun2 and wants to use it as a HylaFAX server? ;-)
> There is the port directory to build emulation routines for older
> platforms. As long as the defaults work reasonably for most modern
> platforms they should be ok.
Be sure to test for those routines in configure.
> >Comitting:
> >
> > Would anyone be interested in looking at/committing this
> > when I work up a set of patches?
> Sure.
> >I'm being prompted to do this as a FreeBSD and HylaFAX user - if
> >someone doesn't get to it soon, then HylaFAX will get dropped from
> >the FreeBSD ports collection, which would be a crying shame IMHO.
> Could you put beta2 in as a replacement for 4.0pl2(...i can't remember if
> this has the faxalter security fix or not, but it is an easy patch)
> >Given the considerable amount of fixes and work that's gone into
> >the current version in CVS (WooHoo! Great work BTW!), it seems
> >pointless to patch up 4.0pl2, it just seems to make much more sense
> >to work on the current version of HylaFAX (hopefully get this done
> >for Beta3?)
> The current plan for beta 3, in my head is:
> - suse ip-source routing patches
> - fix big manpage cgi-bin security hole..yes this is still not
> done :-(
> - dmitrys patches.
> - stuff that i have forgot about
It looks like the security-patch.sh was not put in 4.1
I'll tackle this as soon at I get some time.
Tim Rice Multitalents (707) 874-1130
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