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[hylafax-devel] grep: defaults: Is a directory

Does anyone else run across this? Someone just came to me with it. To my shame 
I don't have a modem here, so I cannot really reproduce it.


+ [  ]
+ x=default
+ [ -z default ]
+ param=default
+ FlowControl=DEFAULT
++ cd /var/spool/fax/config
++ /bin/grep CONFIG:[ 	]*CLASS2.0 att-dataport att-dataport-2
att-dataport-2.0 att-dpexpress-2 cirrus class1 class2 class2.0 defaults
dsi-scout+ e-tech elsa-microlink-56k-basic-2.0 everex-2496d exar gvc-288
gvc-288-2 intel-400e moto-288 mt-1432 nuvo-voyager performance-rts
ppi-pm14400fxmt ppi-pm14400fxsa rc144ac rc144ac-1 rc288dpi rc288dpi-1
rc32acl rc32acl-1 rockwell rockwell-k56 sierra skel telebit-qblazer
telebit-t3000 telebit-wb tricom2842 uds-fastalk umc92144 usr-2.0 usr-rts
usr-xon zyxel-1496e zyxel-1496e-1 zyxel-1496e-2.0 zyxel-2864
++ /usr/bin/mawk -F: 
	    BEGIN { print "case \"$Manufacturer-$Model-$FlowControl\" in" }
	    FILENAME ~ /^OLD/ { next }
	    FILENAME ~ /^config\./ { next }
	    { print $4 ") ProtoType=" $1 ";;" }
	    END { print "*) ProtoType=class2.0;;"; print "esac" }
grep: defaults: Is a directory

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