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[hylafax-devel] Re: Elsa Microlink HylaFAX config files

>>>>> On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, "Darren" == Darren Nickerson wrote:

  Darren> Can anyone help me sort this mess out? Need to come as close as
  Darren> possible to having each of these models autoconfigure out of the
  Darren> box . . . it's hard to do it without having the modems on my desk
  Darren> though. Showwwwwwww meeeeeeeee the magic!

  Darren> (**hint** perhaps Elsa will send me one of each model to test with
  Darren> Hylafax? ;-) )

The following feedback from Tim Rice greatly clarifies what exact data I need to collect for each modem:

> Just connect to the modem with cu or something and issue the same AT commands
> faxaddmodem does.  Looking at the configureClass2Modem shell function we see
> the key AT commands seem to be
> ...
> 	SendToModem "AT+FCLASS=2" "AT+FMFR?"
> 	Manufacturer=$RESPONSE
> 	echo "Modem manufacturer is \"$Manufacturer\"."
>	SendToModem "AT+FCLASS=2" "AT+FMDL?"
>	echo "Modem model is \"$Model\"."
> ...
> So an AT+FMFR? gives us the manufacturer and a AT+FMDL? gives us the model.

You you have such a modem, please send me this data.


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