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[hylafax-devel] Re: LOCKDIRS on linux
>>>>> On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, "Tim" == Tim Rice wrote:
Tim> Line 3557 on the (CVS) configure script has
Tim> *-linux*) LOCKDIRS="/var/lock $LOCKDIRS";;
Tim> Caldera does uucp locking in /var/lock/uucp so the line should be
Tim> *-linux*) LOCKDIRS="/var/lock/uucp /var/lock $LOCKDIRS";;
Tim> Could some one check other distributions that use /var/lock like
Tim> RedHat and make sure there is no /var/lock/uucp.
Tim> If /var/lock/uucp does not exist on distributions that use /var/lock
Tim> then the above fix for Caldera will not break the others.
This will go into a holding pattern pending feedback. Please remind me to
commit it if it pans out.
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