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[hylafax-devel] enhanced config files

Here are some enhancements to the att-dataport-2 and
mt-1432 config files. All the changes are commented out to
not break backward compatability.

*** hylafax/config/att-dataport-2.old	Mon Oct 12 13:47:47 1998
--- hylafax/config/att-dataport-2	Fri Jun  2 18:20:02 2000
*** 54,59 ****
--- 54,63 ----
  ModemRecvFillOrder:	MSB2LSB		# bit order of received facsimile
  ModemSendFillOrder:	LSB2MSB		# bit order modem expects for transmit
+ # The 3710-A2-203 model seems to need these 2 lines
+ #ModemSendBeginCmd:	"<xon>"		# switch flow control
+ #ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd:	"<xon>"		# switch flow control
+ #
  # The modem returns "OK" when there is a timeout before carrier is
  # established.  This is treated as "NO CARRIER" by faxd.  Thus we
  # need to up the NoCarrierRetrys parameter to avoid having the server
*** 95,97 ****
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  Class2CQCmd:		AT+FCQ=1;+FBADMUL=20;+FBADLIN=10
  PagerSetupCmds:		ATS41=10%B300	# use V.21 at 300 bps
+ #
+ # This are known to not be implemented on the 3710-A2-203 model
+ # (and possibly others). Sending it to the modem does not harm anything,
+ # but generates an ERROR result that can generate questions from the
+ # naive--so we disable it here.
+ #Class2APQueryCmd:	AT	# AT+FAP=? not supported on this modem
+ #
*** hylafax/config/mt-1432.old	Mon Oct 12 13:47:47 1998
--- hylafax/config/mt-1432	Fri Jun  2 18:20:02 2000
*** 32,37 ****
--- 32,38 ----
  # MT1432	firmware rev 0307 I or newer
  # MT132BG	rev 0109A
  # MT1932ZDX	rev 0109H
+ # MT2834ZDX	rev 0316A or 0317G
  # Note that MT1432 modems come in several varieties:
*** 59,68 ****
--- 60,82 ----
  ModemSoftFlowCmd:	AT&E5		# software flow control
  ModemSetupDTRCmd:	AT&D3		# setup so DTR drop resets modem
  ModemSetupDCDCmd:	AT&C1		# setup so DCD reflects carrier (or not)
+ # The MT2834ZDX (and other newer models) are more robust with this.
+ #ModemSetupDCDCmd:	AT&C4		# setup so DCD resets modem on
+ #					# carrier drop
+ #
  ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FAA=1	# enable adaptive-answer in class 2
  # NB: some models get confused by the @
+ # NB: the @ causes some multifunction fax units to not go into fax mode.
  ModemDialCmd:		ATDT%s@		# T for tone dialing, @ for silence
  Class2RecvDataTrigger:	"\022"		# character sent to modem to start recv
+ #
+ # The MT2834ZDX (and other newer models) can take advantage of these.
+ #Class2APQueryCmd:	AT		# AT+FAP=? not supported on this modem
+ #Class2NFLOCmd:		AT+FLO=0	# Class 2: no flow control
+ #Class2SFLOCmd:		AT+FLO=1	# Class 2: software flow control
+ #Class2HFLOCmd:		AT+FLO=2	# Class 2: hardware flow control
+ #Class2XmitWaitForXON:	no
+ #

Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 874-1130

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