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[hylafax-devel] SCO Open Server 5 patch

Here is a patch to work around a defective ioctl call in Open Server 5
that caused serial ports to lock up.

*** hylafax/configure.old	Fri Jun  2 16:54:45 2000
--- hylafax/configure	Fri Jun  2 18:20:01 2000
*** 761,767 ****
      if [ -z "${ENVOPTS:-}" ]; then
  	case $ISGCC-$TARGET in
  	no-*-hp*)	C_ANSI="-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Dhpux";;
! 	*-sco3.2v5.*)	C_ANSI="-Dsco -D_SVID3 -b elf";;
  	*-sco*)		C_ANSI="-Dsco";;
  	*-isc*)		C_ANSI="-posix -D_SYSV3 -DISC";;
--- 761,767 ----
      if [ -z "${ENVOPTS:-}" ]; then
  	case $ISGCC-$TARGET in
  	no-*-hp*)	C_ANSI="-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Dhpux";;
! 	*-sco3.2v5.*)	C_ANSI="-Dsco -Dsco5 -b elf";;
  	*-sco*)		C_ANSI="-Dsco";;
  	*-isc*)		C_ANSI="-posix -D_SYSV3 -DISC";;
*** 1768,1777 ****
      if [ "$CONFIG_TIOCMBISBYREF" = yes ]; then
  	Note "... using call-by-reference for TIOCMBIS ioctl"
  	Note "... using call-by-value for TIOCMBIS ioctl"
      # On some systems it's necessary to include
--- 1768,1777 ----
      if [ "$CONFIG_TIOCMBISBYREF" = yes ]; then
  	Note "... using call-by-reference for TIOCMBIS ioctl"
  	Note "... using call-by-value for TIOCMBIS ioctl"
      # On some systems it's necessary to include
*** 2721,2728 ****
  	echo '#define HAS_MODEM_H 1'
      CheckForIncludeFile sys/termiox.h && {
! 	Note "... configure use of SVR4 termiox support"
! 	echo '#define HAS_TERMIOX 1'
      CheckForFunc flock || {
--- 2721,2732 ----
  	echo '#define HAS_MODEM_H 1'
      CheckForIncludeFile sys/termiox.h && {
! 	case $TARGET in
! 	*-sco3.2v5.*)	;;
! 	*)		Note "... configure use of SVR4 termiox support"
! 			echo '#define HAS_TERMIOX 1'
! 			;;
! 	esac
      CheckForFunc flock || {
*** hylafax/faxd/ModemServer.c++.old	Thu Aug 26 20:37:03 1999
--- hylafax/faxd/ModemServer.c++	Fri Jun  2 18:20:02 2000
*** 556,561 ****
--- 556,566 ----
  	if (dropDTR)
  	    (void) setDTR(false);			// force hangup
  	Sys::close(modemFd), modemFd = -1;		// discard open file
+ #ifdef sco5
+ 	// do it again so DTR is really off (SCO Open Server 5 wierdness)
+ 	modemFd = Sys::open(modemDevice, O_RDWR|O_NDELAY|O_NOCTTY);
+ 	Sys::close(modemFd), modemFd = -1;
+ #endif
      delete modem, modem = NULL;

Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 874-1130

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