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[hylafax-devel] Re: flexfax: hylafax4.0beta024 (aka pl3)
>>>>> On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, "Tim" == Tim Rice wrote:
Tim> On Wed, 31 May 2000, Darren Nickerson wrote:
+> I don't understand . . many of these fixes are already in 4.1beta2 . . .
Tim> True, and many things are still yet to be done.
Let's get 'em done!! ;-)
+> some of us would really much rather have people evaluating that, rather
+> than hammering on old fixes to an old codebase. We're trying hard to move
+> HylaFAX development forward and this is a bit of a lateral move . . .
Tim> I see this as buying us some time on getting 4.1 ready.
Oh man, that is so totally the last thing we need . . . cause to relax and
delay 4.1 ;-)
+> Great work though - stellar in fact. Looks like you have some stuff in
+> there which has not come up on hylafax-devel. Could I encourage you to
+> submit patches for some of these things against the current CVS to the
+> -devel mailing list, or to patches@hylafax.org?
Tim> That's next on my todo list.
Let's go!
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