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[hylafax-devel] Ummmm.... repost of crackArgv patch


Way back in March, I posted a patch for crackArgv.

What is currently in the CVS doesn't bear much relation to what I posted...

Here is my post again...

	Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	Genie Computer Systems Inc.

"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is 
 no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )



A little closer examination & C 101 ( array indices start at 0 - DUH ),
would indicate that fxStr is fine, and that crackArgv was broken, and 
that the ASSERT was totally correct!!

So, a new crackArgv using the length() method rather than looking for 
null byte..

Using this, I have a functional, running, backwards compatable faxq 
process running.... YEAH!!!

So, can some other eyeballs look at this new routine, and if it's OK,
log the changes to the CVS...

static void
crackArgv(fxStr& s)
    int i = 0;
    do {
        while ( (i < s.length()) && !isspace(s[i])) 
        if ( i == s.length() ) break;	/* read to the end of string, quit */

        s[i++] = '\0';			/* null terminate to isspace */

        int j = i;			/* check for multiple whitespace */
        while (j < s.length() && isspace(s[j]))

        if (j > i) {
            s.remove(i, j - i);
    } while (i < s.length() );

--- faxQueueApp.c++	Mon Mar  6 23:21:04 2000
+++ faxQueueApp.c++.org	Mon Mar  6 23:19:28 2000
@@ -2699,26 +2699,20 @@
 static void
 crackArgv(fxStr& s)
     int i = 0;
     do {
-        while ( (i < s.length()) && !isspace(s[i])) 
-	    i++;
-        if ( i == s.length() ) break;	/* read to the end of string, quit */
-        s[i++] = '\0';			/* not end, null terminate to isspace */
-        int j = i;			/* check for multiple whitespace */
-        while (j < s.length() && isspace(s[j]))
-            j++;
-        if (j > i) {			/* and remove it if there is any */
+        while (s[i] && !isspace(s[i])) i++;
+        if (s[i] == '\0') break;
+        s[i++] = '\0';
+        int j = i;
+        while (isspace(s[j])) j++;
+        if (j > i) {
             s.remove(i, j - i);
-    } while (i < s.length() );
+    } while (s[i] != '\0');
	Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	Genie Computer Systems Inc.

"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is 
 no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )

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