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[hylafax-devel] CVS update (was: Sendproblem ...)
Dmitry Bely <dbely@mail.ru> writes:
> Robert Colquhoun <rjc@trump.net.au> writes:
> > > > The NSF stuff looked fairly straightforward, an obvious commit. The RTN
> > > > and corresponding config stuff i still need to check though - i am nervous
> > > > about the default option been for hylafax to send no RTC whatsoever, i am
> > > > thinking there might be alot of modems out there that 'accidently' worked
> > > > because hylafax previously sent a RTC no matter what.
> > >
> > >There are not so many Class 2.0 modems in the market. I think we should try
> > >(and ask their users to check if they still work) until we have some time
> > >before next Hylafax release. There is no other way -- Hylafax should comply
> > >with Class 2.0 specs. But leaving everything in the present state IMHO is not
> > >acceptable option.
> >
> > It's not just the class 2.0 modems - hylafax has been sending tiff files
> > with included RTC to the ordinary class 2 modems as well.
> Only when using buggy Ghostscript. AFAIK Sam Leffler originally used other
> Postscript rasterizer (by SGI) which did not append that wrong extra
> RTC. And all Class2 modems he tested worked for him. Ask also Harald
> Pollack -- he does not append RTC in his fax program, and all
> Class2/Class2.0 modems still work (except USR which is the special
> case). What else proof do you need?
I still have no response from you (just wonder how long are you going to be
"nervous" :-) Darren would say "... this is not a productive attitude" :-)))
I have many other changes/additions waiting -- e.g. now almost all modems
(including USR) should work with default setting even without *any* Modem*
and Class* entries in the config.<modem>, and all these "right config file"
and "supported modems" talks among newbies may become a history soon
(although it's still possible to break anything editing config files :-)).
Also some nasty bugs in Class1 driver have been fixed, and maybe something
else that I've forgot to mention. But if the RTN patch still
has not approved ...
In the meantime find configure patch attached, which enables CVS Hylafax to
build with both libtiff 3.4 and 3.5 (tiff_runlen_t is autodetected).
It's essential for me, because I still use libtiff 3.4.
Hope to hear from you soon,
--- hylafax-cvs/configure Mon May 15 17:28:29 2000
+++ hylafax-work/configure Sun May 28 17:08:48 2000
@@ -1675,11 +1675,6 @@
- # Define the tiff run length type(...should be configurable)
- #
- echo "#define tiff_runlen_t uint32"
- #
# Select the mode to use when opening FIFO files
# in a server process. One should be able to open
# them read-only, but on some systems, select will
@@ -2259,6 +2254,80 @@
+# Check if TIFF library is compatible. If successful,
+# set $tiff_runlen_t on exit to "uint16" or "uint32"
+ Note "... checking TIFF library version"
+ tiff_runlen_t=""
+ cat>t.c<<EOF
+#include "tiffio.h"
+ printf( "header_ver=%d lib_ver=%s", TIFFLIB_VERSION, TIFFGetVersion() );
+ exit(0);
+ capture cat t.c
+ if runMake t "t:; \${CC} \${CVERSION} -I${OTIFFINC} t.c ${LIBTIFF} ${MACHDEPLIBS}"; then
+ header_ver=0
+ lib_ver=""
+ eval `./a.out | \
+ sed -n -e 's/header_ver=\([0-9]\+\) lib_ver=.*Version *\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*/\
+ header_ver=\1;lib_ver=\2/p'`
+ Note " Found tiffio.h version ${header_ver}"
+ Note " Found libtiff version ${lib_ver}"
+ if [ ${header_ver} -ge 19960307 ]; then
+ if [ "${lib_ver}" = "3.4" ]; then
+ tiff_runlen_t="uint16"
+ elif [ "${lib_ver}" = "3.5" ]; then
+ tiff_runlen_t="uint32"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ cat 1>&2 <<EOF
+Missing TIFF Library.
+Compilation of the following test program failed:
+ cat t.c 1>&2
+ cat 1>&2 <<EOF
+Verify that you have the TIFFINC and LIBTIFF configuration parameters
+set correctly for your system (see above) and that any environment
+variables are setup that are needed to locate a libtiff DSO at runtime
+(e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Also be sure that any relative pathnames are
+made relative to the top of the build area.
+ boom
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "${tiff_runlen_t}" != "" ]; then
+ export tiff_runlen_t
+ return 0
+ else
+ cat 1>&2 <<EOF
+Incompatible TIFF Library.
+HylaFAX ${VERSION} requires TIFF software distribution ver 3.4 or 3.5.
+If you do not have up to date TIFF software on your system then you can
+retrieve it from the location where you obtained this software.
+ boom
+ return 1
+ fi
# Check an existing port.h to see if it was created
# for the target and compiler we're using.
@@ -2791,6 +2860,10 @@
CheckFuncDecl crypt 'extern const char* crypt(const char*, const char*);' unistd.h stdlib.h
CheckTermioFuncDecls termios.h
+ if CheckLibtiff; then
+ Note "... add declaration for tiff_runlen_t"
+ echo "#define tiff_runlen_t ${tiff_runlen_t}"
+ fi
mv xport.h port.h; chmod 444 port.h
@@ -2894,61 +2967,7 @@
Note "Using TIFF binary files from $TIFFBIN"
-# Verify library is compatible.
-#include "tiffio.h"
- if (TIFFLIB_VERSION < 19960307) { /* check include file version */
- printf("old include files: version %u\n", TIFFLIB_VERSION);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (strncmp(TIFFGetVersion(), "LIBTIFF, Version 3.5", 20) != 0) {
- printf("old library: version %s\n", TIFFGetVersion());
- exit(-1);
- } else
- exit(0);
-capture cat t.c
-if runMake t "t:; \${CC} \${CVERSION} -I${OTIFFINC} t.c ${LIBTIFF} ${MACHDEPLIBS}" && capture ./a.out; then
- Note "Using TIFF include files from $OTIFFINC"
- Note "Using pre-built TIFF library $LIBTIFF"
- cat 1>&2 <<EOF
-Incompatible/missing TIFF Library.
-Compilation or execution of the following test program failed:
- cat t.c 1>&2
- cat 1>&2 <<EOF
-The above program checks the version of the TIFF library to ensure it
-is suitable for use with HylaFAX. HylaFAX ${VERSION} requires a recent
-TIFF software distribution; one distributed March 7, 1996 or later. If
-you do not have up to date TIFF software on your system then you can
-retrieve it from the location where you obtained this software.
-Otherwise, if you have the right software, verify that you have the
-TIFFINC and LIBTIFF configuration parameters set correctly for your
-system (see above) and that any environment variables are setup that
-are needed to locate a libtiff DSO at runtime (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
-Also be sure that any relative pathnames are made relative to the top
-of the build area.
- boom
Note "Done checking TIFF support."
if [ $ZLIB != yes ]; then