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[hylafax-devel] Re: Class 1 & realtime (was: My RH6.2 RPM hack...)
On 24 May 2000 23:04:20 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
Hello Dmitry!
>But what about the pauses? Some of them should have millisecond accuracy:
> The transmission of the delineation signal, either the tonal EOM
>signal or the RTC signal or the RCP frame, shall be followed by a delay of
>75 20 ms before the T.30 binary coded modulation system commences to
>I think they are "realtime" enough ...
This delay must not be shorter than 75 +/- 20ms. In practice it could be some seconds long.
This is only a minimal requirement, to let receiver change demodulator. Nothing to do with
realtime :-)
Well, there is a small problem at receivers side, if it could not switch fast enough from data
carrier to signal carrier (V.17 or V.29 to V.21), but if first post page message is lost, sender
will repeat twice this message (in a window of 15 - 18 seconds), so there is a lot of spare time.
Mit herzlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely
Dr. Harald Pollack
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