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[hylafax-devel] Re: RTN again :-)
"Harald Pollack" <Harald.Pollack@datanews.at> writes:
> Hello Dmitry!
> Fine to hear again from you :-)
> >Can you check the following destination with your FSEND (using Zyxel 1496
> >in Class 2.0 mode if possible):
> >
> >+49 6221164919
> >
> >The very well known thing still happen -- 100% reproductable RTN with
> >different pages and speeds:
> Please can you inform the receiver, to send me an acknowledgement that I may send some test
> pages to that destination - because when I send from home, the phonenumber is 'known' and I
> do not wnat to get complaints.
Unfortunately I cannot inform them.
> If you do not realy know the receiver, than please wait till monday, from office is no
> CallerId sent :-)
That's OK, there is no urgency to resolve this issue.
> >May 17 11:08:24.23: [18806]: REMOTE best format 2-D MR
BTW, I also tried Class 1 and got the following:
May 19 16:59:45.31: [ 1435]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
May 19 16:59:46.72: [ 1435]: --> [7:CONNECT]
May 19 16:59:48.20: [ 1435]: --> HDLC<23:FF C0 02 04 04 04 04 04 9C 8C 9C 2C 6C 8C 04 8C 4C 4C 6C 04 9C 2C D4>
May 19 16:59:48.20: [ 1435]: --> [2:OK]
May 19 16:59:48.20: [ 1435]: REMOTE CSI "49 6221 164919"
May 19 16:59:48.20: [ 1435]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
May 19 16:59:48.22: [ 1435]: --> [7:CONNECT]
May 19 16:59:48.57: [ 1435]: --> HDLC<6:FF C8 01 00 77 1E>
May 19 16:59:48.57: [ 1435]: --> [2:OK]
May 19 16:59:48.57: [ 1435]: Remote is not T.4 compatible
May 19 16:59:48.57: [ 1435]: SEND FAILED: Remote is not T.4 compatible
Ooops! That's just the next Hylafax bug :-) It fails to interpret short (3
bytes) information field of DIS frame. Yes, I already know how to fix this
You asked that is error-free fax software? Now you know the contrary
example :-)
> Have you tried with 1-D Huffman ? I am not 100% sure, that 1496 modem do its job well with
> 2-D ...
I'll try Class1 again when I apply fix for the bug above.
> >Yes, I just ignore it, but I would like to know why it happens.
> Do you know, HOW (which quality) the page is received ?
Unfortunately no.
> >Do you have any idea?
> T.4 problems, I assume :-)
Perhaps, but I checked the T.4 data, they seems to be OK (although the last
time I told you just the same :-)))
I also forwarded this to the mailing list because the problem seems to be
interesting for its subscribers.
Hope to hear from you soon,
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