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[hylafax-devel] Re: Hylafax's Goals & Suitable Modems
On 18 May 2000 23:34:29 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
Hello Dmitry!
>> >-Class 1 isn't suitable for a server based fax solutions due to strict timing
>> > requirements. This eliminates about half the modems listed.
>> Obviously, you have never tried it. class 1 is the one and only choice
>> for reliability.
>... if Class1 implementation in the fax software is error-free (or at least
>contains less errors than comparable Class 2.x firmware :-))
What do you mean with 'error-free' ? Has no bugs ? Is not in accordance to T.4/T.6/T.30 ?
>I am not sure that Hylafax's Class 1 implementation complies with that criterion
Simply try it. Step by step (first without ECM :-) it should be possible to reach a stable
implementation. In my opinion, it is easyer to implement class 1 than class 2/2.0 ...
Main work is done by interrupt service routine of /dev/tty, you only supply correct frames
and receive frames which you have to interpret. Timing is less harmfull, because timeout
cycles and retrycounts are well documented and of such kind, that the slowest CPU you can
imagine, will do its job. Use a dedicated thread for handling i/o and another for
read/write to harddisk.
>-- just remember "GSM" discussion here regarding Class 1 timing issues.
I have never understand, what the real problem was :-)
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