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[hylafax-devel] Re: Modem Reset Commands
Robert Colquhoun <rjc@trump.net.au> writes:
> Has there been any consensus on the proper way to handle the modem
> resetting by hylafax?
> ...
> Dmitry's Proposal(i think):
> Config parameter default
> ===================================
> <Drop DTR>
> <pause>
> <Raise DTR>
> <set baud rate>
> ModemSoftResetCmd ATZ\n
> ModemResetCmds ""
> ModemEchoOffCmd ATE0
> ModemVerboseResultsCmd ATV1
> ...
Yes (sorry for some delay). What's wrong with it? It even has some
- complies with the current Hylafax docs (man config) and seems to be Sam's
original idea how to reset the modem.
- usually admins tune their modems once (e.g. adjust TX level for the
specific telco line) and then store resulting settings to the NVRAM; that's
the common practice. Why to duplicate these site-specific settings in
- if someone do not like *default* ATZ value for ModemSoftResetCmd, it can
be changed (or even disabled) in config.<device>
> The setting baud rate stuff for each fax sent is kind of inefficient as
> well - it reads in the current params and resets them to the new values
> even if the old and new values are the same!
There are many inefficient things -- e.g. have you noted, that modem is
always initialized twice? But I do not think we should immediately
change/fix these issues. There are tasks with higher priority.
Hope to hear from you soon,
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