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[hylafax-devel] Re: Modem Reset Commands

On Mon, 15 May 2000, Robert Colquhoun wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Has there been any consensus on the proper way to handle the modem 
> resetting by hylafax?
> Currently:
> Config parameter         default
> ===================================
> <Drop DTR>
> <pause>
> <Raise DTR>
> <set baud rate>
> ModemResetCmds           ""
> ModemEchoOffCmd     ATE0
> ModemVerboseResultsCmd ATV1
> ...
> Dmitry's Proposal(i think):
> Config parameter         default
> ===================================
> <Drop DTR>
> <pause>
> <Raise DTR>
> <set baud rate>
> ModemSoftResetCmd        ATZ\n
> ModemResetCmds           ""
> ModemEchoOffCmd     ATE0
> ModemVerboseResultsCmd ATV1

> The setting baud rate stuff for each fax sent is kind of inefficient as 
> well - it reads in the current params and resets them to the new values 
> even if the old and new values are the same!

It's a good idea: there may be intervening kermit, UUCP, or minicom
connections to the modem that can leave it in a really weird state.

Dimitriy was fairly convincing about using ATZ, but I still think we
should have an AT&F in there somewhere to actually set it to factory
defaults. The need to use AT&F rather than merely ATZ will be unusual,
but it will drive the poor fax user apeshit when it happens because
it'll be caused by things like poorly configured kermit sessions.


			Nico Kadel-Garcia

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