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[hylafax-devel] Proposal for Modem reset strategy
Hello to all!
After reading all the mails from the last days again,
i try to formulate my ideas again, hopefully more precise than the last
I will not use anything from hylafax source code, i will not make any
about anything written in hylafax manpages.
After we possibly aggree on a reset strategy it's time to talk about the
necessary changes in source and/or manuals.
1. ATZ is the default reset command.
Probably nobody has to changes this value ever, but if -for whatever
a modem manufacturer decides to rename it to something different, there
be an option to change the value by configuartion changes and without
having to
2. ATZ must be sent to the modem as a single command.
Some modems ignore everything after ATZ.
3. All of the necessary initialisation for hylafax goes after this.
Preferably no command concatinations.
4. Some have to run their modems in special environments where ATZ is not
enough to reset the modem to state expected by hylafax.
In these cases the admin of hylafax should have an option to send another
reset/init command to the modem before ATZ is sent to the modem.
The use of this command is to bring the modem in a state in which it can
ATZ as expected by hylafax.
I am not talking of a replacement for ATZ, i am talking of an optional
Waiting for your comments!
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