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[hylafax-devel] Re: hylafax-devel: Re: atz
On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:42:54 +0200, Bernd Proissl wrote:
hello bernd!
>> It is a good practice (but sometimes slow) to send EACH command
>> to modem enclosed by AT + CR.
>this was mainly my intention.
>i will rewrite the thing again.
This methode (treat each modem command as a single one) has also the advantage, that some modem
misbehaviours (I do not write faults :-) can be detected very easy and SOON.
I have knowledge of a lot of complainst against modem behaviour, and often the behaviour can be
reduced to such incredible strings like AT&X*Y%ZA1B2C3D4.... which will yield finaly OK but if
submitted one be one, there IS sometimes response ERROR or even nothing which points either to a
wrong command or a wrong command syntax.
Often, command syntax differs slighty, depending on actually used firmware version of modem. Such
improperties can never be localized with such large (and often senseless) commandstrings.
Mit herzlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely
Dr. Harald Pollack
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