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[hylafax-devel] My RTN patch and many other changes/enhancements, thOR

On 15 Apr 2000 13:43:22 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:

Hello Dmitry!

>> I agree 100 % that doing an AT&W in an application is a horrible thing.  
>> But, sometimes we don't have choices in the software we run ( read
>> government supplied...) I did learn something in that I WAS NOT aware that
>> there is any physical limit to the number of "saves" to the NVRAM.  This
>> is GOOD information to know.
>Harald is right but AFAIR is a bit pessimistic. :-) I believe 10^5 write
>cycles should be the right figure.

It depends mainly on how firmware programs the NVRAM. And because of all must go on very fast, 
the possibilty, that write cycle count will decrease enormously is very likely. I know modems, 
which fail AT&W after 500 trys ... and other, which do their job also after 10000 times.

>> Question Dmitry/Harald, , do you have any experience on what happens when
>> the NVRAM "wears out"?
>You just throw your modem(s) to the trash can :-)

Those modems work well, if you use them like they have NO NVRAM (for none commercial use) ...

Mit herzlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely

Dr. Harald Pollack


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