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[hylafax-devel] Re: My RTN patch and many other changes/enhancements,third edition :-)
On 14 Apr 2000, Dmitry Bely wrote:
> Steve Williams <steve@genie96.com> writes:
> > > 10. Default value for ModemFlowControl is now XONXOFF -- I think, reasonable
> > > default for the most modems. (faxd/ModemConfig.c++, man/config.4f)
> > >
> >
> > Humm... what is the default now?
> As I explained above, the value used then the parameter is *not* present
> in your config.modem (man config). If it *is* present, nothing will change
> for you.
Ahh, this wasn't clear in the original post.
> > I would personally say that HARDWARE flow
> > control would be the preferable Default flow control.
> No. XONXOFF is supported by any modem in fax mode (an is set then the modem
> enters fax mode getting AT+FCLASS=2 command), but it is not true for
> RTSCTS. The fact that the modem supports hardware flow control in data mode
> does *not* mean, that it also supports it in data mode. (BTW, Harald, I
> know you are reading this, what about XONXOFF in Class 1? Is it set after
So the patch changes the default from no flow control to XONXOFF.
Seems OK to me.
Most (all?) of the modem config files have ModemFlowControl: defined.
Tim Rice Multitalents (707) 874-1130 (voice)
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