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[hylafax-devel] Re: TPC-OPER: HylaFAX and Solaris 7

>>553 Unable to open sequence number file docq/seqf; File exists.
>I think this is fixed in current CVS. Can you try again?

Hi, Darren!

Sorry for a little delay, as always - time missing problem
(the day should really last much more than 24 hours,
especially if you are married and have children).

I recompiled the old cvs version from 24.03.2000.
with your patch (file-open3.diff) just few minutes ago
(before I have read your mail) and it works fine. 
This means that TPC.INT cell for +385-21 (Split-Croatia)
is back to life!

Since this is "working" cell, I don't want to test on it
any more, until the final HylaFAX 4.1 is to be installed.

I will set up test TPC.INT cell on another SUN Solaris 7 machine 
in the next few days (I hope by the end of this week),
and I will let you know if the latest cvs works fine
(i.e. without the need for patch file-open3.diff).

Thanks for your reply and patch.

Let me remind you of the problem:

SUN Ultra-1 Solaris 7
gcc 2.8.1
zlib 1.1.3 (cvs from 24.03.2000.)
HylaFAX 4.1beta2 (in fact, cvs from 24.03.2000.)

I had no problems compiling, but when run (sendfax), I get the 
following error:
553 Unable to open sequence number file docq/seqf; File exists.

With your patch file-open3.diff, it works fine now.

I would also like to repeat that cvs distribution of zlib
on hylafax.org server is uncomplete (configure is missing).

Also, /etc/rc2.d/S80fax contains the following:

>if $IS_ON verbose ; then
>    ECHO="echo -e"
>else            # For a quiet startup and shutdown
>    ECHO=:

But, echo on my system (Solaris 7) doesn't recognize "-e" option.
So, I get -e printed as a result of command :)

# /etc/rc2.d/S80fax start
-e HylaFAX:-e  faxq-e  hfaxd (without old protocol or SNPP support)-e .

Davor Luksic, dipl. ing. elektr.

CARNet FaxMaster (FaxMaster@CARNet.hr)

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