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[hylafax-devel] 'hylafax/faxd' update now available
Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd
In directory sinkhole.tpc.int:/tmp/cvs-serv1279
Modified Files:
Log Message:
posix-rename.patch by John Williams 23-Oct-99 : This patch fixes the problem
where, if you send faxes to multiple destinations, hylafax leaves files in the
docq directory which never get cleaned out. The reason is that hylafax
*thinks* it removes the file by renaming them to a base document, but really
it doesnt. POSIX specifies that if source and destination files of a rename
command are hard-linked together (which they are in this case), rename
should do nothing but return success. The solution is to rename the file,
and then unlink the file. The unlink will fail the first time (but who cares,
we ignore the return code) and succeed on subsequent documents.
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