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[hylafax-devel] 'hylafax/util' update now available
Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/util
In directory sinkhole.tpc.int:/tmp/cvs-serv767
Modified Files:
recvstats.sh.in xferfaxstats.sh.in
Log Message:
cvtDateTime.patch by Dmitry Bely 10-Feb-00 : The Y2K rollover bug is due to the calculation of the age of the fax based on YY*365+..., where YY is a 2-digit year representation. Fix includes YY < 70 check. It also fixes an older bug : substr(s,0,2) instead of substr(s,1,2) - it means that xferfaxstats/recvstats *never* generated the correct results. I wonder wy nobody noticed that before
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