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[hylafax-devel] Re: Fwd: File open patch (fwd)
>>>>> On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, "Robert" == Robert Colquhoun wrote:
Robert> I'm not sure if this got through yesterday so i am resending it...
I approved that post yesterday, but somehow listar ate it for lunch. I'll look
into that, and thanks for the repost. I've tried your patch - works fine for
[root@ducent HYLARPM]# faxstat -s
HylaFAX scheduler on localhost.localdomain: Running
[root@ducent HYLARPM]# sendfax -d123 < /etc/hosts
request id is 1 (group id 1) for host localhost (1 file)
[root@ducent HYLARPM]# sendfax -d123 < /etc/hosts
request id is 2 (group id 2) for host localhost (1 file)
[root@ducent HYLARPM]# sendfax -d123 < /etc/hosts
request id is 3 (group id 3) for host localhost (1 file)
Robert> PS Does anyone have any information on the tiff 3.5 problem, even
Robert> just a core dump to give an idea where the software fails would be
Robert> good.
I'll trawl through the archives and see if I can dig up the posts which outline the problem, and try to reproduce it here. In the meantime, please commit your file open patch . . . we can always back it out if it's not truly portable but it certainly works swimmingly here.
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