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[hylafax-devel] Re: Thanks & 2 more patches

On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Robert Colquhoun wrote:

> At 12:18 AM 3/9/00 -0700, Steve Williams wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Taking baby steps, I have been running faxq from the latest cvs IN PRODUCTION
> >What do people think of putting a check in one of the main programs ( faxq
> >or hfaxd ) for THIS VERSION, that would check for the exist
> How about in the faxsetup script, it could look for the old files and copy 
> them to their new names.

Faxsetup would be the prefered method.


Tim Rice		Multitalents	(707) 874-1130 (voice)

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