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[hylafax-devel] Re: New faxcover not backwards compatable
At 02:42 PM 3/4/00 -0700, Steve Williams wrote:
>In poking around with the latest CVS compiled on AIX, I have noticed
>that the Postscript that is generated by the "faxcover" command is
>not backwards compatable.
>I don't think this is such a good idea, as PostScript is gross enough
>to have to hack a cover page once, and to have to do it again is not
>nice to contemplate.
..you only need to add one line, the BreakIntoCommentX function.
>The difference is that the old faxcover program generated variables like:
>comments1 - the first LINE of comments ( from comments, as
> determined by faxcover
>comments2 - the second line of comments...
>comments3 - etc
>The new faxcover generates Postscript code calld BreakIntoCommentX
>that would need to be called in the stock faxcover.ps to achieve the same
..the difference is the old faxcover program was way broken:
- it did not understand '\n' within the comment string
- it hardcoded each comment line to 35 characters
- it did not take account of the fontmetrics when calculating the
line width.
>My fax cover page uses comments1, comments2, comments3, etc so that I could
>retain formatting nicely on the cover page, rather than what the Postscript
>BreakIntoLines does ..
>It doesn't bother me, I can easily use the old faxcover C program, but I
>am wondering how many people's cover pages would break if this goes to
>general distribution?
Try the lines below that should restore the old behaviour, sortof.
- Robert
Index: faxcover.c++
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxcover/faxcover.c++,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 faxcover.c++
*** faxcover.c++ 2000/03/03 03:35:44 1.7
--- faxcover.c++ 2000/03/05 06:42:49
*** 273,278 ****
--- 273,279 ----
coverDef("regarding", regarding);
+ printf("%i comments BreakIntoCommentsX", maxcomments);
printf("%%%%Page: \"1\" 1\n");
// copy prototype cover page