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[hylafax-devel] Re: CVS brokenness

On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Tim Rice wrote:

> It's a configure probelm. A problem with the zlib patch.
> I'll post a patch soon.

It looks like preprocessors get confused by -I options with nothing
after the -I

This only shows up when using system ZLIB libraries instead of the ones
in the HylaFAX source.

My patch sets the zlib include directory to be .empty_directory in this case.

Tim Rice		Multitalents	(707) 874-1130 (voice)

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: conifgure.patch

*** configure.old	Sat Feb 26 13:46:45 2000
--- configure	Thu Mar  2 12:26:53 2000
*** 1301,1306 ****
--- 1301,1310 ----
      dumpvars "$VAR2" CCOMPILER CXXCOMPILER | sort>confsed2
      $RM xdefs; sed -f confsed1 $SRCDIR/defs.in | sed -f confsed2 >$1
+ [ -z "$ZLIBINC" ]  && {
+ mkdir  .empty_directory 2>/dev/null
+ ZLIBINC=.empty_directory
+ }
  # NB: save original values for use in checks below
  OTIFFINC="${TIFFINC}"; x="`relativize ${TIFFINC}`"; TIFFINC="$x"
  OZLIBINC="${ZLIBINC}"; x="`relativize ${ZLIBINC}`"; ZLIBINC="$x"

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