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[hylafax-devel] Re: Updating 4.1beta2

Nico Kadel-Garcia <raoul@adsl-151-203-22-73.bellatlantic.net> wrote:
> Hi, guys! I've got a bit of time now that I've switched jobs, and there
> are a few minor updates I'd like to suggest.

Hope the new job is going well.

> First, we should bring the 4.1beta2 release up to 4.1beta3  with all
> the changes in the CVS release, or finally ship it out the door as
> 4.2.

Agreed. Probably a 4.1beta3 as a release candidate is the prudent option.

> Third, I've got a small set of patches at
> http://cirl.meei.harvard.edu/hylafax/patches/, some of which are
> already incorporated into the CVS version.

Ok; Here is my list of patches still to be applied to the CVS :

1. AIX patches by Steve Williams - untested and uncomplete???

2. faxcron-failures.patch by Seth Chaiklin 20/03/98 
                 - I think this was just accidently missed 

3. RAND_MAX.patch by Nico Kadel-Garcia 22/10/99
                 - patch to the configure script for SunOS

4. posix-rename.patch by John Williams  23/10/99
                 - patch to FaxRequest.c++

5. mkdepend-v4.patch by James Lee 01/01/00
                 - SunOS patch by our self-confessed sed expert
                   with obviously nothing better to do on the
                   first day of a new Millenium.

6. faxaddmodem-stty.patch (untested) suggested by Phil Watkinson
                 - eliminate warning message '/bin/stty:standard
                input: unable to perform all requested operations'
                 by removing line 773 of script.

7. configure-tiff.patch suggested by Eric Wood
                 - allow tiff library 3.5 as well as 3.4

8. Modem Configuration files : 
                 - performance-rts by Nico Kadel-Garcia
                 - rockwell-k56
                      xonxoff amendment by Glenn Burkhardt
                      add SupraExpress 56e PRO by Phil Watkinson

9. sys.h.patch by Mark Burton 09/01/00
                - missing :: operator in line 128 of Sys.h

10. faxcover.patch by Mark Burton 09/01/00
                - variable not declared in faxCover::tildeExpand

11. cvtDateTime.patch by Dmitry Bely 10/02/00
                - patch to both recvstats and xferfaxstats re Y2K
                  rollover bug resulting in faxcron reporting all
                  faxes ever sent.

To which needs to be added the patches on Nico's web site not included
in the above :

12. bzero.patch
13. munmap.patch
14. zlib.patch
15. hylafax-client.patch
16. fixhtml.patch

I think that patches 14 and 15 have been applied to the CVS but this
needs checking.

We need to decide if there is any reason *not* to apply these patches
to the source code. I am willing to do the work if given the okay by
Robert (well, the easy ones anyway).

We also need a list of showstopping bugs still to be fixed. The major
one is, of course, faxq maxing out when working with tiff-3.5.x. Are
there any others???

Sorry for the long post,

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