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Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (5F)
Updated: $Date: 2001/06/23 09:29:46 $
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config - HylaFAX configuration database  


HylaFAX uses a configuration file for the central queueing agent and for each facsimile modem attached to a machine. These files contain information about the modems and about how the HylaFAX server processes that service these modem should operate. Configuration files are located in the etc subdirectory. The configuration file for the faxq(8C) program is named config. The per-modem configuration files used by the faxgetty(8C), faxsend(8C), and pagesend(8C) programs have names of the form config.devid, where devid is an identifier derived from the name of the modem's device file; for example ttym2 for /dev/ttym2, term_10 for /dev/term/10.

Configuration files have a simple format and are entirely ASCII. A configuration parameter is of the form

      tag: value

where a tag identifies a parameter and a value is either a string, number, or boolean value. Comments are introduced by the ``#'' character and extend to the end of the line. String values start at the first non-blank character after the ``:'' and continue to the first non-whitespace character or, if whitespace is to be included, may be enclosed in quote marks (``"''). String values enclosed in quote marks may also use the standard C programming conventions for specifying escape codes; e.g. ``\n'' for a newline character and ``\xxx'' for an octal value. Numeric values are specified according to the C programming conventions (leading ``0x'' for hex, leading ``0'' for octal, otherwise decimal), except for a few parameters, such as RecvFileMode, whose value is interpreted strictly as an octal number and PageChopThreshold whose value is interpreted strictly as a floating point number. Boolean values are case insensitive. For a true value, either ``Yes'' or ``On'' should be used. For a false value, use ``No'' or ``Off''.

The following table itemizes the tags and the expected type of their value. The first part lists items specific to the operation of each server, while the second part has items related to the servicing of the modem. Parameters marked with a S1 are used only by the HylaFAX scheduler process and should appear only in the file named config. Parameters marked with a S2 are used by both the scheduler and the per-device applications and so should appear in all appropriate configuration files (i.e. config and any per-device files that make sense). Parameters not otherwise marked should appear only in per-device configuration files. More detailed information about each item is given following the table.

Tag                           Type       Default            Description
AdaptiveAnswer                boolean    No                 enable adaptive answer of inbound calls
AnswerRotary                  string     Any                alternatives for answering calls
AnswerBias                    integer    -                  bias to apply to successful rotary answer 
AreaCodeS2                    string     -                  local area code
CIDName                       string     -                  Caller ID name pattern string
CIDNumber                     string     -                  Caller ID number pattern string
ClocalAsRoot                  boolean    No                 set CLOCAL using root UID
ContCoverCmdS1                string     bin/mkcover        continuation cover page generation script
ContCoverPageS1               string     -                  continuation cover page template filename
CountryCodeS2                 string     -                  local country code
DestControlsS1                string     -                  per-destination controls file
DeviceMode                    octal      0600               protection mode to use for modem device
DialStringRulesS2             string     -                  dial string rules file
FAXNumber                     string     -                  facsimile modem phone number
FaxRcvdCmd                    string     bin/faxrcvd        notification script for received facsimile
GettyArgs                     string     -                  arguments passed to getty program
InternationalPrefixS2         string     -                  dialing prefix for international calls
JobReqBusy                    integer    180                requeue interval for BUSY dial result
JobReqDataConn                integer    300                requeue interval for data connection dial result
JobReqNoAnswer                integer    300                requeue interval for NO ANSWER dial result
JobReqNoCarrier               integer    300                requeue interval for NO CARRIER dial result
JobReqNoFCon                  integer    300                requeue interval for carrier without +FCON dial result
JobReqOtherS2                 integer    300                requeue interval for ``other'' problems
JobReqProto                   integer    60                 requeue interval after fax protocol error
LockDataCalls                 boolean    Yes                lock modem for the duration of an inbound data call
LockVoiceCalls                boolean    Yes                lock modem for the duration of an inbound voice call
LogFacilityS2                 string     daemon             syslog facility name for ServerTracing messages
LogFileMode                   octal      0600               protection mode to use for session log files
LocalIdentifier               string     -                  local station identification string
LongDistancePrefix            string     -                  dialing prefix for long distance calls
MaxConcurrentJobsS1           integer    1                  max concurrent jobs to process for a destination
MaxConsecutiveBadLines        integer    5                  max consecutive bad rows for OK page quality
MaxDialsS1                    integer    12                 max phone calls to make to transmit a job
MaxRecvPages                  integer    unlimited          max pages to permit in a receive
MaxSendPagesS1                integer    unlimited          max pages to permit in a send
MaxSetupAttempts              integer    2                  max attempts to initialize a modem
MaxTriesS1                    integer    3                  max attempts to transmit a job
ModemGroupS1                  string     -                  define a name for a set of modems
ModemPriority                 integer    255                scheduling priority for outbound jobs
ModemReadyState               string     R                  ``ready state'' sent by faxgetty
NoCarrierRetrys               integer    1                  number of times to retry dialing on ``NO CARRIER''
NotifyCmdS2                   string     bin/notify         user notification command script
PageChopS1                    string     last               control automatic truncation of trailing whitespace
PageChopThresholdS1           float      3.0                whitespace truncation threshold (inches)
PCL2FaxCmdS1                  string     bin/pcl2fax        PCL RIP command script
PercentGoodLines              integer    95                 percentage of good rows for OK page quality
PollLockWaitS2                integer    30                 polling interval when in ``lock wait'' state (secs)
PollModemWait                 integer    30                 polling interval when in ``modem wait'' state (secs)
PollRcvdCmd                   string     bin/pollrcvd       delivery script for facsimile received by polling
PostScriptTimeoutS1           integer    300                timeout on POSTSCRIPT interpreter runs (secs)
PriorityScheduling            boolean    see below          use available priority job scheduling mechanism
PS2FaxCmdS1                   string     bin/ps2fax         POSTSCRIPT RIP command script
QualifyCID                    string     -                  file of Caller-ID patterns for checking inbound calls
QualifyTSI                    string     -                  file of TSI patterns for qualifying senders
RecvDataFormat                string     adaptive           format for received facsimile data
RecvFileMode                  octal      0600               protection mode to use for received facsimile files
RingData                      string     -                  distinctive ring data call identifier
RingFax                       string     -                  distinctive ring fax call identifier
RingsBeforeAnswer             integer    0                  rings to wait before answering phone
RingVoice                     string     -                  distinctive ring voice call identifier
RTNHandlingMethod             string     Retransmit         RTN signal handling method
SendFaxCmdS1                  string     bin/faxsend        fax transmit command script
SendPageCmdS1                 string     bin/pagesend       pager transmit command script
SendUUCPCmdS1                 string     bin/uucpsend       UUCP transmit command script
ServerTracingS2               integer    1                  non-session server tracing
SessionTracingS2              integer    1                  send and receive session tracing
SpeakerVolume                 string     Quiet              volume level for modem speaker
TagLineFont                   string     -                  tag line font filename
TagLineFormat                 string     see below          tag line format string
TIFF2FaxCmdS1                 string     bin/tiff2fax       TIFF converter command script
TimeOfDayS1                   string     Any                default time-of-day restrictions
Use2DS1                       boolean    Yes                restrict/permit use of 2D-encoded fax data
UUCPLockModeS2                octal      0600               protection mode for UUCP lock files
UUCPLockDirS2                 string     see below          UUCP lockfile directory
UUCPLockTimeoutS2             integer    30                 time before removing stale UUCP lockfile
UUCPLockTypeS2                string     see below          UUCP lockfile type
VGettyArgs                    string     -                  arguments passed to voice getty program
WedgedCmdS1                   string     bin/wedged         command to run when modem is wedged

ModemAnswerCmd                string     ATA                command for answering phone
ModemAnswerDataBeginCmd       string     -                  command for start of answered data call
ModemAnswerDataCmd            string     ATA                command for answering data call
ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd        string     -                  command for start of answered fax call
ModemAnswerFaxCmd             string     ATA                command for answering fax call
ModemAnswerResponseTimeout    integer    180000             answer command timeout (ms)
ModemAnswerVoiceBeginCmd      string     -                  command for start of answered voice call
ModemAnswerVoiceCmd           string     ATA                command for answering voice call
ModemATCmdDelay               integer    0                  delay before sending modem an AT cmd (ms)
ModemBaudRateDelay            integer    0                  delay (ms) after setting baud rate
ModemClassQueryCmd            string     AT+FCLASS=?        command for querying modem services
ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd        string     ATS8=2             command for setting time to pause for ``,'' in dialing string
ModemDialCmd                  string     ATDT%s             command for dialing (%s for number to dial)
ModemDialResponseTimeout      integer    180000             dialing command timeout (ms)
ModemDTRDropDelay             integer    75                 delay (ms) between DTR OFF and DTR ON
ModemEchoOffCmd               string     ATE0               command for disabling command echo
ModemFlowControl              string     XONXOFF            DTE-DCE flow control scheme
ModemFrameFillOrder           string     LSB2MSB            bit order for HDLC frames
ModemHardFlowCmd              string     -                  command for setting hardware flow control between DTE and DCE
ModemMinSpeed                 string     2400               minimum acceptable transmit speed
ModemMfrQueryCmd              string     -                  command for querying modem manufacturer
ModemModelQueryCmd            string     -                  command for querying modem model
ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd          string     ATS0=0             command for disabling auto-answer
ModemNoFlowCmd                string     -                  command for disabling hardware flow control between DTE and DCE
ModemOnHookCmd                string     ATH0               command for placing phone ``on hook''
ModemPageDoneTimeout          integer    180000             page send/receive timeout (ms)
ModemPageStartTimeout         integer    180000             page send/receive timeout (ms)
ModemRate                     integer    19200              baud rate to use for DCE-DTE communication
ModemRecvFillOrder            string     see below          bit order for received facsimile data
ModemResetCmds                string     -                  additional commands when resetting modem
ModemResetDelay               integer    2600               delay (ms) after placing DTR ON
ModemResultCodesCmd           string     ATQ0               command for enabling result codes
ModemRevQueryCmd              string     see below          command for querying modem firmware revision
ModemSendBeginCmd             string     -                  command to send on establishing carrier
ModemSendFillOrder            string     LSB2MSB            bit order for sending facsimile data
ModemSetVolumeCmd             string     see below          commands for setting modem speaker volume level
ModemSetupAACmd               string     -                  command for setting up adaptive answer
ModemSetupDCDCmd              string     -                  command for setting up DCD handling
ModemSetupDTRCmd              string     -                  command for setting up DTR handling
ModemSoftFlowCmd              string     -                  command for setting software flow control between DTE and DCE
ModemSoftResetCmd             string     ATZ                command for doing a soft reset
ModemType                     string     see below          modem type
ModemVerboseResultsCmd        string     ATV1               command for enabling verbose result codes
ModemWaitForConnect           boolean    No                 force server to wait for ``CONNECT'' response on answer
ModemWaitTimeCmd              string     ATS7=60            command for setting time to wait for carrier when dialing

FaxT1Timer                    integer    35000              CCITT T.30 T1 timer (ms)
FaxT2Timer                    integer    7000               CCITT T.30 T2 timer (ms)
FaxT4Timer                    integer    3100               CCITT T.30 T4 timer (ms)

Class0Cmd                     string     AT+FCLASS=0        Class 0: command to enter class 0

Class1Cmd                     string     AT+FCLASS=1        Class 1: command to enter class 1
Class1HFLOCmd                 string     -                  Class 1: command to set hardware flow control
Class1FrameOverhead           integer    4                  Class 1: extra bytes in a received HDLC frame
Class1NFLOCmd                 string     -                  Class 1: command to set no flow control
Class1RecvAbortOK             integer    100                Class 1: max wait (ms) for ``OK'' after recv abort
Class1RecvIdentTimer          integer    35000              Class 1: max wait (ms) for initial ident frame
Class1SFLOCmd                 string     -                  Class 1: command to set software flow control
Class1TCFMaxNonZero           integer    10                 Class 1: max% of non-zero data in good TCF
Class1TCFMinRun               integer    1000               Class 1: minimum zero run in good TCF
Class1TCFRecvTimeout          integer    4500               Class 1: max wait (ms) for TCF
Class1TCFResponseDelay        integer    75                 Class 1: delay between TCF and ack/nak
Class1SendEOPDelay            integer    200                Class 1: delay before sending EOP
Class1SendPPMDelay            integer    75                 Class 1: delay before sending MPS post-page message
Class1SendTCFDelay            integer    75                 Class 1: delay between sending DCS and TCF
Class1SwitchingDelay          integer    150                Class 1: delay in switching transmision direction (ms)
Class1TrainingRecovery        integer    1500               Class 1: delay after failed training

Class2Cmd                     string     AT+FCLASS=2        Class 2: command to enter class 2/2.0
Class2AbortCmd                string     AT+FK              Class 2: command to abort active session
Class2APCmd                   string     AT+FAP             Class 2: enable support for sending and receiving SUB, SEP, and PWD frames
Class2APQueryCmd              string     AT+FAP=?           Class 2: query capabilities for sending and receiving SUB, SEP, and PWD frames 
Class2BORCmd                  string     AT+FBOR=0          Class 2: command to setup bit order
Class2BUGCmd                  string     AT+FBUG=1          Class 2: command to enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2CIGCmd                  string     AT+FCIG            Class 2: command to set polling identifier
Class2CRCmd                   string     AT+FCR=1           Class 2: command to enable receive capability
Class2CQCmd                   string     -                  Class 2: command to setup copy quality parameters
Class2CQQueryCmd              string     AT+FCQ=?           Class 2: command to query modem copy quality capabilities
Class2DCCCmd                  string     AT+FDCC            Class 2: command to set modem capabilities
Class2DCCQueryCmd             string     AT+FDCC=?          Class 2: command to query modem capabilities
Class2DISCmd                  string     AT+FDIS            Class 2: command to set session parameters
Class2DDISCmd                 string     -                  Class 2: command to set session parameters before dialing
Class2HFLOCmd                 string     -                  Class 2: command to set hardware flow control
Class2LIDCmd                  string     AT+FLID            Class 2: command to set local identifier string
Class2MINSPCmd                string     AT+FMINSP          Class 2: command to set minimum transmit speed
Class2NFLOCmd                 string     -                  Class 2: command to set no flow control
Class2PACmd                   string     AT+FPA             Class 2: set polling address string
Class2PHCTOCmd                string     AT+FPHCTO=30       Class 2: command to set Phase C timeout parameter
Class2PTSCmd                  string     AT+FPTS            Class 2: command to set received page status
Class2PWCmd                   string     AT+FPW             Class 2: set password string
Class2RecvDataTrigger         string     ``\21''            Class 2: character to send to trigger recv
Class2RELCmd                  string     -                  Class 2: command to enable byte-aligned EOL codes
Class2SACmd                   string     AT+FSA             Class 2: set destination subaddress string
Class2SendRTC                 boolean    No                 Class 2: append RTC to page data on transmit
Class2SFLOCmd                 string     -                  Class 2: command to set software flow control
Class2SPLCmd                  string     AT+FSPL            Class 2: command to set polling request
Class2TBCCmd                  string     AT+FTBC=0          Class 2: command to enable stream mode
Class2XmitWaitForXON          boolean    Yes                Class 2: wait for XON before sending facsimile data

Class2Cmd                     string     AT+FCLASS=2.0      Class 2.0: command to enter class 2/2.0
Class2AbortCmd                string     AT+FKS             Class 2.0: command to abort active session
Class2APCmd                   string     AT+FAP             Class 2.0: enable support for sending and receiving SUB, SEP, and PWD frames
Class2APQueryCmd              string     AT+FAP=?           Class 2.0: query capabilities for sending and receiving SUB, SEP, and PWD frames
Class2BORCmd                  string     AT+FBO=0           Class 2.0: command to setup bit order
Class2BUGCmd                  string     AT+FBU=1           Class 2.0: command to enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2CIGCmd                  string     AT+FPI             Class 2.0: command to set polling identifier
Class2CRCmd                   string     AT+FCR=1           Class 2.0: command to enable receive capability
Class2CQCmd                   string     -                  Class 2.0: command to setup copy quality parameters
Class2CQQueryCmd              string     AT+FCQ=?           Class 2.0: command to query modem copy quality capabilities
Class2DCCCmd                  string     AT+FCC             Class 2.0: command to set modem capabilities
Class2DCCQueryCmd             string     AT+FCC=?           Class 2.0: command to query modem capabilities
Class2DISCmd                  string     AT+FIS             Class 2.0: command to set session parameters
Class2HFLOCmd                 string     AT+FLO=2           Class 2.0: command to set hardware flow control
Class2LIDCmd                  string     AT+FLI             Class 2.0: command to set local identifier string
Class2MINSPCmd                string     AT+FMS             Class 2.0: command to set minimum transmit speed
Class2NFLOCmd                 string     AT+FLO=0           Class 2.0: command to set no flow control
Class2NRCmd                   string     AT+FNR=1,1,1,1     Class 2.0: command to set negotiation message reporting
Class2PACmd     string        AT+FPA     Class 2.0: set polling address string
Class2PHCTOCmd                string     AT+FCT=30          Class 2.0: command to set Phase C timeout parameter
Class2PIECmd                  string     AT+FIE=0           Class 2.0: command to set procedure interrupt handling
Class2PWCmd     string        AT+FPW     Class 2.0: set password string
Class2PTSCmd                  string     AT+FPS             Class 2.0: command to set received page status
Class2RecvDataTrigger         string     ``\22''            Class 2.0: character to send to trigger recv
Class2RELCmd                  string     -                  Class 2.0: command to enable byte-aligned EOL codes
Class2SACmd     string        AT+FSA     Class 2.0: set destination subaddress string
Class2SendRTC                 boolean    No                 Class 2.0: append RTC to page data on transmit
Class2SFLOCmd                 string     AT+FLO=1           Class 2.0: command to set software flow control
Class2SPLCmd                  string     AT+FSP             Class 2.0: command to set polling request
Class2TBCCmd                  string     AT+FPP=0           Class 2.0: command to enable stream mode

PagerSetupCmds                string     -                  commands for setting up modem for a pager call
PagerMaxMsgLength             integer    128                max length of a text message 

IXOService                    string     ``PG''             IXO: service identification string
IXODeviceID                   string     ``1''              IXO: device identification string
IXOMaxUnknown                 integer    3                  IXO and UCP: max unknown responses before abort
IXOIDProbe                    integer    2                  IXO: time between sending \r during ID sequence (secs)
IXOIDTimeout                  integer    20                 IXO: max time to wait for ID= response (secs)
IXOLoginRetries               integer    3                  IXO: max attempts to login
IXOLoginTimeout               integer    15                 IXO: max time to complete login (secs)
IXOGATimeout                  integer    30                 IXO: max time to wait for Go-Ahead response (secs)
IXOXmitRetries                integer    3                  IXO and UCP: max retries to send text msg block
IXOXmitTimeout                integer    15                 IXO and UCP: max time to transmit text msg block
IXOAckTimeout                 integer    30                 IXO: max time to wait for msg block ack (secs)


These configuration parameters affect the general operation of the fax server.

Control whether or not an adaptive answering strategy is used whereby an incoming call is answered in multiple ways according to the list specified in the AnswerRotary parameter. For example, if adaptive answering is enabled and AnswerRotary specifies ``fax data'', then an incoming call will first be answered as fax using ModemAnswerFaxCmd and then, if that fails, as data using ModemAnswerDataCmd. If the adaptive answer strategy is not enabled, then calls are answered using the appropriate ModemAnswer*Cmd parameter (normally ModemAnswerCmd for unattended operation). Note that the adaptive answer strategy depends on many factors that limit its usefulness. When calls are answered first as fax, it typically only works with a Class 1 modem because it is important that the sequence of operations related to answering as fax be completed in a short enough time that a subsequent answer for data be done before the caller times out and hangs up the telephone (for this reason Class1RecvIdentTimer should be set to a value that is shorter than FaxT1Timer.) Also, note that it is sometimes necessary to arrange that the phone be placed on-hook between successive answers; this can typically be done by inserting the appropriate command at the start of the second and subsequent ModemAnswer*Cmds.
The sequence of answering techniques the server should ``rotate through'' when answer incoming calls. Answering techniques are:

Name      Description
fax       answer a fax call
data      answer a data call
voice     answer a voice call
extern    use the vgetty application to answer a call
any       answer a call of any/unknown type

When a call is not answered succesfully, the server advances the rotary to the next specified answering technique. If AdaptiveAnswer is enabled, the server will try all the answering techniques for each incoming call. Otherwise, the rotary is advanced between unsuccessful phone calls. For example, if AdaptiveAnswer is disabled and AnswerRotary is ``fax data'', then the calls will initially be answered as fax until the first call is received that does not appear to be from a fax machine; after that calls will be answered as if they were from a data modem until the next unsuccessful call; after which they will one again be answered as fax. Only the first three techniques listed are used; any additional ones are (silently) ignored. See also AnswerBias.

The index into the AnswerRotary list that the server should rotate the list to after each successful incoming phone call. List indices are numbered starting at zero. For example, if AnswerRotary is ``fax data'' and AnswerBias is 1, then after each successful inbound call, the next call will be answered as data.
The local area code in which the facsimile modem resides. This value is passed to the dial string rules that are used, for example, to formulate canonical phone numbers for dialing (see DialStringRules below.)
A string that identifies the caller's identity in any Caller-ID status messages. The specified string is compared against any unrecognized status messages received from the modem before the phone is placed off-hook. If there is a match, then the remainder of the message is returned as the ``caller name''. For example, for the ZyXEL U-1496 this parameter would be set to ``CALLER NAME: '' (note the trailing space). See also CIDNumber and QualifyCID.
A string that identifies the caller's phone number in any Caller-ID status messages. The specified string is compared against any unrecognized status messages received from the modem before the phone is placed off-hook. If there is a match, then the remainder of the message is returned as the phone number of the caller. For example, for the ZyXEL U-1496 this parameter would be set to ``CALLER NUMBER: ''. See also CIDName and QualifyCID.
Control whether operations that set the CLOCAL bit on the modem device special file are done with the effective user-ID set to the super-user or the ``fax'' user. By default such operations are done as the fax user, except under IRIX where they are done as the super-user (because IRIX disallows manipulation of CLOCAL by anyone but the super-user).
The command to invoke to generate a continuation cover page; see ContCoverPage and mkcover(8C).
A template file to use in creating continuation cover pages. If this parameter is non-null, then the server will pass the filename to the command specified by ContCoverCmd to generate cover pages for outbound jobs that are continued after protocol errors. These cover pages identify the receiver and indicate that the document is a continued transmission. If this parameter is not specified or is null, then the server will not generate continuation cover pages. The specified pathname must be relative to the top of the fax server's spooling area.
The local country code in which the facsimile modem resides. As for AreaCode, this value is passed to the dial string rules for use in formulating canonical phone numbers for dialing (among other things.)
An optional file containing rules for controlling parameters on a per-destination basis; see destctrls(5F) The following parameters may be controlled with this mechanism: MaxConcurrentJobs, MaxDials, MaxSendPages, MaxTries, RejectNotice, SessionTracing, and TimeOfDay. If no DestControls parameter is specified, or if the controls file does not specify default values for these parameters, then any settings in the config file used by faxq(8C) are used for default settings. Note that faxq automatically rereads the contents of a DestControls file if it is modified while the server is running.
The file protection mode that the server should set for the modem device file. Note that this value is given in octal. The default value of 0600 implies that only the facsimile user (usually uucp) can access the modem. See also chmod(2).
The pathname of the file that holds the rules for processing user-specified dial strings; c.f. dialrules(5F). The specified pathname must be relative to the top of the fax server's spooling area; e.g. etc/dialrules.
The phone number associated with the facsimile modem. This string is used to generate the Transmitter Subscriber Identification (TSI) and Caller Subscriber Identification (CSI) information passed to remote machines---unless the LocalIdentifier parameter is explicitly set. The FAXNumber is also used to name the session log file where information for incoming phone calls is recorded; see hylafax-log(5F). If this phone number is not a fully qualified number the values of AreaCode and CountryCode are used to generate the transmitted CSI and TSI.
The string to use to place an international phone call. In the United States, this is ``011''. This string is passed to the dial string rules.
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a job whose dialing attempt failed with a ``BUSY'' status result.
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a facsimile job whose dialing attempt failed because a data modem answered the phone.
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a job whose dialing attempt failed with a ``NO ANSWER'' status result.
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a job whose dialing attempt failed with a ``NO CARRIER'' status result.
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a facsimile job whose dialing attempt failed because the initial facsimile protocol handshake failed (i.e. no ``+FCON:'' result was received from a Class 2/2.0 modem).
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a job that failed for a reason not already covered by one of the Job* parameters.
The delay in seconds to wait before retrying a facsimile job that failed because of a fax protocol error.
A string that indicates whether or not the server should invoke the getty(8C) program in response to an incoming call from a data modem. If the string value is not null, then it is interpreted as a set of arguments to pass to the getty program. Before supplying the arguments, the string is first scanned for ``%''-escape sequences: any appearance of ``%l'' is replaced with the tty name and any appearance of ``%s'' is replaced with the serial port speed (in decimal). The ``%'' character can be specified with ``%%''. If the GettyArgs parameter is not specified in the configuration file or if the string value is null, then data connections will be rejected. Note that in addition to the specified command line arguments, the getty program is invoked with its standard input, output, and error descriptors directed to the controlling tty device.
The local station identification string to use when transmitting TSI and CSI strings (see FAXNumber above). NB: while this string may contain any printable ASCII characters; beware that CCITT T.30 specifies a restricted character set and some fax modems and machines may reject or not display non-conforming strings. If the local identifier is not specified, a canonical form of the FAXNumber is used instead.
Hold the UUCP lockfile during the time an inbound data call is processed by the external getty program. If this is disabled then the lockfile will be removed just before the getty program is invoked. Note however that doing this introduces a race condition whereby an outbound program may sneak in and take control of the modem after the inbound call has been accepted, but before the getty program has started up and installed it's own lockfile.
Hold the UUCP lockfile during the time an inbound data call is processed by the external voice getty program. If this is disabled then the lockfile will be removed just before the voice getty program is invoked. Note however that doing this introduces a race condition whereby an outbound program may sneak in and take control of the modem after the inbound call has been accepted, but before the voice getty program has started up and installed it's own lockfile.
The symbolic name for the syslog(3) facility to use when logging error messages and informational/debugging messages requested through the ServerTracing parameter. The list of facility names is standardized; it can be found in the system include file <syslog.h>; comparisons are case-insensitive.
The file protection mode that should be used when creating files to hold session logs. Note that this value is given in octal. The default value of 0600 implies that the log files are not generally accessible, which is important if sensitive information such as calling card access codes are logged. If log files are to be publicly accessible, this value may be set, for example, to 0644. See also chmod(2).
The string to use to place a long distance phone call. In the United States, this is ``1''.
The default value to use for the maximum number of jobs for the same destination that are processed concurrently. Note that each job is processed with a separate phone call; job batching is not currently supported. Thus this parameter defines the maximum number of concurrent phone calls to the same destination. Unless all of your fax destinations have multiple fax lines using the same fax number per destination then MaxConcurrentJobs is probably best left as the default of 1 and exceptions should be accomodated by the DestControls file.
The maximum number of consecutive erroneous rows of image data that the server will receive before it deems a page to have unacceptable copy quality. Setting this parameter to zero causes the server to not check the quality of received facsimile. See also PercentGoodLines.
The default value for the maximum number of times the server will place a call for an outbound job. This value may be overridden by rules in the DestControls file. See also MaxTries.
The maximum number of pages the server will accept in a received facsimile before it aborts the session.
The default value for the maximum number of pages the server will permit in a transmitted facsimile. Outbound jobs that exceed this limit are rejected. This value may be overridden by rules in the DestControls file.
The maximum number of times a HylaFAX server program will attempt to initialize a modem before considering it ``wedged''.
The default value for the maximum number of times the server will attempt to communicate with a remote site. Note that for a call to be counted against this limit, carrier must be established; this is in contrast to the value of MaxDials which limits the number of calls that will be placed on behalf of a job. This value may be overridden by rules in the DestControls file. See also MaxDials.
Define a logical name for a set of modem devices. This parameter can be used to define a name that clients can use to refer to a collection of modems. The syntax is ``<name>:<regex>'' where <name> is the name for the group and <regex> is a regular expression that faxq(8C) matches against known modems. Thus for example, the default modem to use for a job, any, is defined as ``any:.*''. This parameter may be specified multiple times to define multiple modem classes. Modem classes may overlap. The actual set of modems in a modem class that are considered for use may vary based on which modems are believed to be ready for use.
The scheduling priority to use for a modem. Priority values are in the range 0 to 255 with lesser values signifying higher (more desirable) priority. The HylaFAX scheduler process assigns the highest priority modem that is ready for use when scheduling an outbound job.

If multiple available modems in a job's selected ModemGroup have the same ModemPriority value, then the HylaFAX scheduler assigns jobs to them in a round-robin fashion.

The number of times to redial a phone number after receiving a ``NO CARRIER'' result code. In normal operation the fax server will treat this result code to mean that a facsimile modem/machine did not answer the phone and reject the transmit job. This is done to avoid repeatedly dialing wrong phone numbers and depends on the modem distinguishing between no carrier and no answer. However, some modems are not capable of reliably distinguishing between no carrier and no answer, or when instructed to do so do not identify a busy signal correctly. For these modems one may find it necessary to increase the value of this parameter to compensate. It is strongly recommended, however, that this value not be set to a large number.
Define the state transmitted to the HylaFAX scheduler process each time a modem is made ready by a faxgetty process. State is one of: ``R'' (ready for use), ``B'' (busy), or ``D'' (down). The modem state can be used to control whether or not modems are assigned to outbound jobs. A modem's state is initially set to ``R'' (ready). Modem state can be dynamically changed with the faxstate(8C) program or by setting this configuration parameter with the faxconfig(8C) program.
The command to invoke to notify a client of a job status change; see notify(8C).
Whether or not to automatically truncate trailing whitespace on pages of outbound facsimile (when possible). If page chopping is enabled, then pages with at least PageChopThreshold trailing whitespace on a page will be transmitted as a ``short page'' if the receiver is capable of accepting variable-length pages. The possible values are: ``last'' to enable chopping of the last page of each document, ``all'' to enable chopping of all pages, or ``none'' to disable page chopping.
The minimum amount of trailing whitespace that must be present on a page before page chopping will be attempted; see PageChop. Note that this value is specified in inches.
The command to invoke to convert a HP-PCL document submitted for transmission to TIFF/F, suitable for transmission (for future use).
The minimum percentage of good rows of image data required for a received facsimile page to be deemed to have acceptable copy quality. Setting this parameter to zero causes the server to not check the quality of received facsimile. See also MaxConsecutiveBadLines.
When polling for the presence/removal of a UUCP lockfile, the time (in seconds) to wait between checks. Lockfile polling occurs when the fax server collides with another process using the modem for outbound use.
The time (in seconds) to wait between checks for a modem to become ready for use. Modem polling occurs when a modem fails to reset cleanly.
Indicates whether the HylaFAX scheduler should utilize available priority job scheduling mechanisms to enhance realtime execution, particularly with Class 1 configurations on older or slower systems.

Currently PriorityScheduling is available for IRIX, SVR/4, HP-UX, and POSIX-compliant (i.e. Linux) operating systems. The default value varies to maintain traditional HylaFAX behavior. On IRIX, SVR/4, ans HP-UX systems the default is true. On others the default is false.

The command to invoke to convert a POSTSCRIPT document submitted for transmission to TIFF/F, suitable for transmission; see ps2fax(8C).
A string that specifies whether or not Caller-ID information should be checked against an access control list before accepting an inbound call. If QualifyCID is non-null and there is Caller-ID service, then only calls from phone numbers identified in the file specified by this string (typically etc/cid) will be accepted; see cid(5F). If QualifyCID is not specified in the configuration file, or the value is null, then all incoming calls will be answered. Note that Caller-ID screening is only available when this service is enabled on the phone line and the modem is capable of presenting Caller-ID status information to the host. The CIDNumber and CIDName parameters must also be setup to reflect the manner in which the modem returns Caller-ID status information to the host.
A string that specifies whether or not the identity of calling facsimile machines should be checked against an access control list before receiving facsimile. If QualifyTSI is non-null, then only messages from facsimile machines identified in the file specified by the string (typically etc/tsi) will be accepted; see tsi(5F). If QualifyTSI is not specified in the configuration file, or the value is null, then all incoming facsimile messages will be accepted.
The data format (compression scheme) to write received facsimile data when copy quality checking is enabled on the host. (When copy quality checking is not done by the server the received facsimile data is written exactly as it is received from the modem.) The format may be one: ``1-D MR'', ``2-D MR'', ``2-D MMR'', or ``adaptive''. An ``adaptive'' format causes the received data to be written using the data format negotiated by the sender and receiver. Note that while 2-D MMR is the most space-efficient data format the resultant file may not be viewable (certain commonly used programs do not properly read multi-strip TIFF with 2-D MMR data).
The file protection mode that should be used when creating files to hold incoming facsimile. Note that this value is given in octal. The default value of 0600 implies that only the facsimile user can read received facsimile. If incoming facsimile are to be publicly accessible, this value may be set, for example, to 0644. See also chmod(2).
A modem status string that identifies that an incoming call is for data use. This string should be set when a phone line has been setup with distinctive ring service. See also RingFax and RingVoice.
A modem status string that identifies that an incoming call is for facsimile use. This string should be set when a phone line has been setup with distinctive ring service. See also RingData and RingVoice.
The number of rings to wait before answering the phone. If this value is set to 0, then the phone will only be answered in response to an explicit answer command; see faxanswer(8C).
A modem status string that identifies that an incoming call is for voice use. This string should be set when a phone line has been setup with distinctive ring service. See also RingData and RingFax.
Specifies how to react to RTN signal, received from the remote; one of ``Retransmit'', ``Giveup'' and ``Ignore''. ``Retransmit'' assumes that the page is not sent succesfully if RTN signal has been received. HylaFAX will make up to 2 additional attempts to send the page, decreasing signalling rate and retraining. If RTN is still there, it will place up to 2 additional calls. So if the remote always respond with RTN, the page will be send 9 times. Although this algorithm comply with T.30 specs and was originally implemented by Sam Leffler as the only possible choice, real fax machines behave completely different. There is a non-written rule among fax developers, that RTN means ``over and out'' -- hang up immediately and never try to send the same page to the same destination again. That is because RTN usually indicates problems with flow control, incorrectly encoded T.4 data, incompatibility between local and remote equipment etc., but very rarely is caused by the real noise on the line. This ``over and out'' behaviour can be activated by ``Giveup'' value. There is also third option, not so radical as ``Giveup''. Yes, we will never retransmit the page, but we can try to send the next page, and let the remote to decide what to do (accept our decision or hang up). Thus one page will (or will not) be missed but we have a chance to successfully send all other pages. This behaviour can be activated by ``Ignore'' value.
The command to use to process outbound facsimile jobs; see faxsend(8C).
The command to use to process outbound pager jobs; see pagesend(8C).
The command to use to process outbound UUCP jobs. This parameter is not currently used, it is for future development.
A number that controls the generation of tracing information by a server when not actively sending or receiving facsimile. Tracing is divided into areas that are individually controlled. To enable tracing of multiple areas of operation, the flag associated with each area should be bit-or'd to form the value for this tag.

Flag                  Area                    Description
1 (0x00001)           Server Operation        queue management and general operation
2 (0x00002)           FAX/IXO Protocol        T.30 facsimile protocol or IXO/TAP protocol
4 (0x00004)           Modem Operations        modem hardware manipulation
8 (0x00008)           Modem Communications    comands passed between host and modem
16 (0x00010)          Timeouts                timer operations
32 (0x00020)          Modem Capabilities      modem capabilities
64 (0x00040)          HDLC Frames             binary T.30 HDLC frames
128 (0x00080)         Binary Modem I/O        binary communication between host and modem
256 (0x00100)         Server State Transitionsserver program state transitions
512 (0x00200)         Queue Management        job queue management
1024 (0x00400)        Copy Quality            copy quality checking of received facsimile
2048 (0x00800)        Job Management          low-level job management
4096 (0x01000)        IXO Protocol            low-level IXO protocol
8192 (0x02000)        Config File Parsing     unknown configuration file parameters
16384 (0x04000)       FIFO Messages           inter-application messages
32768 (0x08000)       Modem State Transitions modem state changes (down, busy, ready)
65536 (0x10000)       Dial Rules              dialstring rules parsing and execution
131072 (0x20000)      Docq Changes            document reference handling

For example, to enable tracing of server operations and protocol operations, a value of 1+2=3 should be specified. NB: tracing timeouts and/or binary modem I/O can adversely affect the operation of the fax server; enabling these areas should be done with extreme care.
Server tracing is directed to syslog(3) using the facility specified with the LogFacility configuration parameter. Note that syslogd(8C) must be configured to capture facility.info, facility.debug, facility.warning, and facility.err messages. See hylafax-log(5F) for a description of the logged messages.
A number that controls the generation of tracing information by a server while sending or receiving facsimile. The number is interpreted identically to ServerTracing. Note that session tracing is placed in log files in the log subdirectory; see hylafax-log(5F) for more information.
The volume level that the in-modem speaker should be adjusted to while in command mode. The possible values are:

Value       Description
Off         silent
Quiet       almost inaudible
Low         tolerable in privacy
Medium      loud enough to hear in the next room
High        intolerable

Note that the speaker is always turned off once carrier is established. Also beware that some modems support fewer volume settings; see ModemSetVolumeCmd.
The filename of the font to use in imaging tag lines across the top of each transmitted page. Fonts must be stored in the Portable Compiled Font (PCF) format used by the X11 Window System. Filenames are specified relative to the root of the spooling area; e.g. etc/lutRS18.pcf. If no font is specified, if a null filename is specified, or if the specified font file is not readable, then tag lines will not be generated. See also TagLineFormat.
The format string to use when imaging tag lines across the top of each transmitted page. This string may include escape codes that cause various items to be interpolated into the imaged tag line. Any escape code supported by strftime(3C) may be used as well as the following server-implemented codes:

Escape      Description
%%d         destination phone number
%%i         job identifier
%%j         user-specified job tag
%%l         LocalIdentifier or canonicalized FAXNumber
%%m         sender's electronic mail address
%%n         canonicalized FAXNumber
%%p         current page number of session
%%P         current page number of job
%%s         sender's name
%%t         total pages in session
%%T         total pages in job
%%%         ``%''

In addition, the format string may indicate that text is to be centered in multiple equal-sized fields by separating text with ``|'' characters. For example, ``a|b|c'' would cause the tag line to be broken up into three equal-sized areas with the strings ``a'', ``b'', and ``c'' centered within each region. The default tag line format string is ``From %%n|%c|Page %%P of %%T''. The differences between the %%p or %%P and the %%t or %%T options are noticed when a fax job is retried after an incomplete attempt and only the previously unsent pages are then queued in a successive session. See also TagLineFont.

The command to invoke to convert a TIFF submitted for transmission to TIFF/F, suitable for transmission; see tiff2fax(8C).
The default time-of-day restrictions to apply to outbound jobs. Outbound jobs will be processed only during the specified time. Any jobs submitted outside this time period will be held until the start of this time. The syntax for time-of-day restrictions is designed to be compatible with the syntax used by the UUCP software. The following BNF describes the syntax:

   Syntax = tod ["," tod]
      tod = <days><timerange>
     days = "Any" | "Wk" | <dayname>+ | nothing
  dayname = "Sun" | "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat"
timerange = <start> "-" <end> | nothing
    start = <24hrtime>
      end = <24hrtime>
 24hrtime = {0-9}{0-9}{0-9}{0-9}
  nothing =

where start and end are 24-hour times, day names can be either 2- or 3-characters, and a null day or time specification means any time or day. White space and other syntactic sugar may be freely inserted between tokens but may not be inserted between 24-hour times in the time range.

This value may be overridden by rules in the DestControls file.
Control the use of 2D-encoded data for transmitted facsimile.
The file protection mode that should be used when creating UUCP lockfiles. Note that this value is given in octal.
The pathname of the directory in which UUCP lockfiles are to be created.
The time in seconds to wait before removing a stale UUCP lockfile (i.e. a lockfile whose owner does not appear to exist). If this value is set to 0, then the fax server will never remove a stale lockfile.
A string that specifies the type of UUCP lockfile to create. The string may be one of ``ascii'' or ``binary'' depending on whether the process-ID of the lock owner is written to the file as an ascii string or as a binary value, respectively. In addition, two prefixes may be used to control the format of the lock filename. If the type string is prefixed with a ``+'', then SVR4-style filenames are generated using the major device number of the tty device and the major and minor device numbers for the filesystem on which the tty device resides. If the type string is prefixed with a ``-'', then any upper case letters in the device part of the lockfile name are converted to lower case letters; for example, ``LCK..ttyA01'' is converted to ``LCK..ttya01''. This upper-to-lower case conversion is useful for systems such as SCO where the convention is to name devices with upper-case letters, but create lockfiles with lower-case letters.
A string that indicates whether or not the server should invoke a voice getty program in response to an incoming voice call. If the string value is not null, then it is interpreted as a set of arguments to pass to the vgetty program. Before supplying the arguments, the string is first scanned for ``%''-escape sequences: any appearance of ``%l'' is replaced with the tty name and any appearance of ``%s'' is replaced with the serial port speed (in decimal). The ``%'' character can be specified with ``%%''. If the VGettyArgs parameter is not specified in the configuration file or if the string value is null, then voice connections will be rejected. Note that in addition to the specified command line arguments, the vgetty program is invoked with its standard input, output, and error descriptors directed to the controlling tty device.
The command to invoke when a modem is deemed ``wedged''; see wedged(8C).


This section lists configuration parameters that are specific to the setup and operation of the modem. All commands must be specified exactly as they are to be transmitted to the modem (note that this is a departure from previous versions of this software that automatically prepended ``AT'' to each line of commands sent to the modem). When multi-line commands are required, enclose the commands in quote marks (``"'') and insert a newline character ``\n'' where lines should be broken. An example of a multi-line command string is ``AT+FCQ=1\nAT+FBADMUL=20\nAT+FBADLIN=10''.

Command strings sent to the modem may include command escapes that force the host to alter the DTE-DCE communication rate, the flow control scheme used between the host and modem, delay for a period of time, flush input data, and wait for a specific response from the modem. The following escape codes are interpreted:

Escape      Effect
<none>      enable no flow control between DTE and DCE
<xon>       enable software flow control between DTE and DCE
<rts>       enable hardware flow control between DTE and DCE
<2400>      set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 2400 bps
<4800>      set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 4800 bps
<9600>      set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 9600 bps
<19200>     set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 19200 bps
<38400>     set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 38400 bps
<57600>     set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 57600 bps
<76800>     set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 76800 bps
<115200>    set the DCE-DTE baud rate to 115200 bps
<delay:N>   delay N x 10 ms on the host (0 <= N <= 255)
<flush>     flush any pending input data from the modem
<waitfor:R> wait for the response R from the modem (see below)

Note that commands to the left of an escape code are sent to the modem before the associated actions are carried out on the host. This may be important when changing baud rates, as the result code from a command may be returned at the new baud rate. Also, beware that not all baud rates are supported by all systems and modems; the set of baud rates supported by a host is usually listed in stty(1).

The ``<waitfor:..>'' escape can be used to override the default behaviour which is to wait for an ``OK'' response to a command sent to the modem. The possible response codes are:

NOTHING         a null response
OK              the default response
CONNECT         ``CONNECT...''
NOANSWER        ``NO ANSWER...''
BUSY            ``BUSY''
RING            ``RING...''
ERROR           error status from modem
OTHER           any unrecognized modem response

For example ``ATO\r<waitfor:CONNECT>'' would send ``ATO\r'' to the modem and then wait for a response with a leading ``CONNECT'' in it; and ``ATS99=2\r<delay:2><flush><waitfor:NOTHING>'' would send ``ATS99=2\r'' to the modem, delay 20 ms, flush any input from the modem, and then continue (not wait for any response).

The command to answer the phone. If possible, this command should generate a result string that identifies whether the incoming call is from a facsimile, voice, or data modem. Typically this auto-detection is configured ahead of time; e.g. for Class 2 modems with the ``AT+FAA=1'' command.
The following table describes how the result codes are interpreted by the facsimile server.

Result String      Default          Class 1      Class 2      Class2.0
CONNECT FAX        Fax              -            -            --
CONNECT            Data             Unknown      -            -
NO ANSWER          No Answer        -            -            -
NO CARRIER         No Carrier       -            -            -
NO DIALTONE        No Dialtone      -            -            -
ERROR              Error            -            -            -
FAX                Fax              -            -            -
DATA               Data             -            -            -
+FCON              -                -            Fax          Fax
+FCO               -                -            Fax          Fax
+FDM               -                -            Data         Data
+FHNG:             -                -            Error        Error
VCON               -                -            Voice        Voice

The ``Default'' column indicates the interpretation made for the result string in either class 1 or 2 unless explicitly overridden. The ``Class 1'' column indicates result strings handled specially for modems operating in class 1, the ``Class 2'' column indicates special handling for modems operating in class 2, and the ``Class 2.0'' column indicates special handling for modems operating in class 2.0. Unknown entries imply that interpretation is based on the way in which the call was answered; if answering is done for an explicit call type, that type is assumed, otherwise a Fax call is presumed.

The command to send to the modem once a data connection has been established.
The command to explicitly answer the phone for a data connection. This command must generate a result string that identifies the incoming call is from a data modem. If this parameter is not specified or is null, then the value of ModemAnswerCmd is used instead. See also AdaptiveAnswer and AnswerRotary.
The command to send to the modem once a facsimile connection has been established.
The command to explicitly answer the phone for a facsimile connection. This command must generate a result string that identifies the incoming call is from a facsimile modem. If this parameter is not specified or is null, then the value of ModemAnswerCmd is used instead. See also AdaptiveAnswer and AnswerRotary.
The command to send to the modem once a voice connection has been established.
The command to explicitly answer the phone for a voice connection. This command must generate a result string that identifies the incoming call is for voice. If this parameter is not specified or is null, then the value of ModemAnswerCmd is used instead. See also AdaptiveAnswer and AnswerRotary.
The maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from the modem after sending ModemAnswerCmd. Note that you may want to shorten this value when using the server-based adaptive answer strategy; see AdaptiveAnswer.
A delay, in milliseconds, that should be performed before each ``AT'' command string is sent to the modem.
The amount of time, in milliseconds, to pause after setting the baud rate on the serial line. This parameter is only needed for hosts where (apparently) setting the serial line parameters does not take effect immediately.
The command to set the time, in seconds, that the modem should pause when encountering a ``,'' modifier in the dialing string.
The command to place a phone call. The string is assumed to be suitable for use as a parameter to the sprintf(3S) function; so the ``%'' character should be escaped as ``%%''. The dial command must include a single ``%s'' where the number that is to be dialed is to be substituted. Facilities such as tone or pulse dialing, outgoing prefixes to route though a PBX, and so on should be included in the dialing command string. It is also important that, if possible, a trailing ``@'' symbol should be included so that the modem returns result codes that distinguish between no answer and no carrier. Use of the ``@'' permits the server to reduce the probability that a wrong number is continually redialed. If the modem does not support this facility, then it may be necessary to raise the number of retries done when a ``NO CARRIER'' result is returned.
The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, for a response from the modem after sending This value should be longer than the timeout programmed into the modem through the ModemWaitTimeCmd parameter. This additional server-based timeout is provided to guard against modems that can ``lock up'' when dialing the telephone.
The time, in milliseconds, to pause between placing DTR OFF and DTR ON while resetting a modem. This value should be at least equal to the time-value of the analogous S-register, usually S25.
The command to disable echoing of commands sent to the modem.
The type of flow control to use between DTE and DCE; one of ``NONE'', ``XONXOFF'' and ``RTSCTS''. This value is used to select the string sent to the modem to initially establish DTE-DCE flow control; one of ModemNoFlowCmd, ModemSoftFlowCmd, and ModemHardFlowCmd. The current flow control setting is also used to select the appropriate flow control command to send to the modem when the software switches to Class 1, 2, or 2.0; see Class1HFLOCmd, Class1NFLOCmd, Class1SFLOCmd, Class2HFLOCmd, Class2NFLOCmd, and Class2SFLOCmd.
The server supports both software and hardware flow control for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 2.0 modems. Whether to use hardware or software flow control depends on the capabilities of the modem and the host hardware and operating system. Communication rates above 9600 baud often require that hardware flow control be used for reliable DTE-DCE communication. However, beware that many modems only support software flow control when sending or receiving facsimile.
Note that modems usually support software flow control even if they have no explicit AT-command to activate it; in this case it is switched on when the modem enters fax mode, having AT+FCLASS=... from DTE.
The bit order to expect for received HDLC frames and to use when formulating HDLC frames to send. This value may be either LSB2MSB when bits are ordered from least-significant-bit to most-significant-bit (as in the CCITT specification) or MSB2LSB when bits are ordered in the reverse direction.
The command to setup hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control between DTE and DCE.
The minimum acceptable signalling rate for transmitting facsimile page data. Possible values are: 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12200, and 14400.
The command to send to the modem to get the manufacturer identification string. If this parameter is not set, then it is initialized to ``AT+FMFR?'' for Class 2 modems, or to ``AT+FMI?'' for Class 2.0 modems, or to ``ATI3'' for Class 1 modems. If the parameter begins with a ``!'', then the remainder of the string is taken to be the identification string and no command is issued to the modem.
The command to send to the modem to get the model identification string. If this parameter is not set, then it is initialized to to ``AT+FMDL?'' for Class 2 modems, or to ``AT+FMM?'' for Class 2.0 modems, or to ``ATI0'' for Class 1 modems. If the parameter begins with a ``!'', then the remainder of the string is taken to be the identification string and no command is issued to the modem.
The command to stop the modem from automatically answering when the phone rings.
The command to disable flow control between DTE and DCE.
The command to place the phone ``on hook'' (i.e. hangup).
The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, for a response from the modem after sending a page of facsimile data (e.g. the time to wait for a response to a Class 2/2.0 AT+FET command).
The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, for an initial response from the modem when sending a page of facsimile data (e.g. the time to wait for a response to a Class 2/2.0 AT+FDR command).
The baud rate to use for DCE-DTE communication. This value may be one of: 115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200. The default value is 19200 because many modems lock the rate at 19200 when sending or receiving facsimile. Note that not all values are supported by all operating systems and modems; consult stty(1) for the available rates on your system.
The bit order to expect for received facsimile data. This value may be either LSB2MSB when bits are ordered from least-significant-bit to most-significant-bit (as in the CCITT specification) or MSB2LSB when bits are ordered in the reverse direction. According to the various specifications all modems should return data in LSB2MSB order. However most Class 2 modems (except maybe only Multitech) use MSB2LSB for compatibility with modems that were built with Rockwell hardware/firmware that included a bug that was too widespread to correct.
If this parameter is not set, then it is autodetected and set to LSB2MSB for Class 1 and Class 2.0 modems and MSB2LSB for non-Multitech Class 2 modems. However this may be wrong for your modem, so you will have to specify this parameter explicitly.
A string of commands to issue to the modem during initialization. This string is sent to the modem before the standard set of configuration commands required by the fax server. Note that these commands should not include normal reset commands that are specified through other parameters. For example, commands to setup flow control, DCD handling, DTR handling, etc. should be specified through the appropriate configuration parameters and not through this parameter. In addition the soft reset command (usually ``ATZ'') should not be included in this string; the servers issue this command explicitly.
The time, in milliseconds, to pause after setting DTR ON, while resetting a modem. DTR ON does not respond with ``OK'', so this parameter should be long enough to allow the modem time to be ready for ModemSoftResetCmd successively.
The command to enable result codes.
The command to send to the modem to get a firmware revision identification string. If this parameter is not set, then it is initialized to ``AT+FREV?'' for Class 2 modems, or to ``AT+FMR?'' for Class 2.0 modems. If the parameter begins with a ``!'', then the remainder of the string is taken to be the identification string and no command is issued to the modem.
The command to send to the modem upon establishing carrier during a transmit operation. This parameter is useful for systems that are incapable of enabling hardware flow control without DCD asserted.
The bit order the modem expects for transmitted facsimile data. This value may be either LSB2MSB or MSB2LSB (see also ModemRecvFillOrder above.) Virtually all modems expect transmitted facsimile data in LSB2MSB bit order.
The commands to use to set the modem speaker volume levels. There should be five whitespace-separated commands, one each for setting the volume to ``Off'', ``Quiet'', ``Low'', ``Medium'', and ``High''; the default is ``"ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"''. See also SpeakerVolume.
The command to setup adaptive answer support in the modem-if available. Adaptive answer is the term used for the ability to distinguish between calls from facsimile, voice, and data sources. Note that this string is the last command issued by the device drivers during setup, so the command string may, if necessary, switch to a different operating mode (e.g. on some Rockwell-based modems it is necessary to issue the ``AT+FAA=1'' command in Class 0).
The command to setup DCD handling. On most systems the facsimile server will enable the CLOCAL flag on the tty device to which the modem is connected. This should insure that the system does not close an open file descriptor associated with the modem if carrier is dropped. Thus, for most systems and modems ModemSetupDCDCmd should setup DCD to reflect carrier.
The command to setup DTR handling so that the modem is reset when the DTR signal is lowered by the host. The facsimile server uses this facility to insure that modems are not left in a ``locked up'' state.
The command to setup software (XON/XOFF) flow control between DTE and DCE.
The command to force a soft reset of the modem.
This parameter must be set to one of: ``Class2'', ``Class2.0'', or ``Class1''; to indicate that the modem is a Class 2-, Class 2.0-, or Class 1-style modem, respectively. If this parameter is not set, then it is autodetected and the highest supported fax class is used.
The command to enable verbose, as opposed to numeric, result codes.
If enabled, the facsimile server will not consider a connection established when answering an incoming call until a ``CONNECT'' status string is received. This is useful mainly for Rockwell RC32ACL-based modems that send ``FAX'' and ``DATA'' status messages before sending ``CONNECT''.
The command to set the number of seconds to wait for a carrier signal when placing a call or answering the phone.


The following parameters apply to the implementation of the CCITT T.30 facsimile protocol in the Class 1 device driver. They should not be changed without full understanding of the operation of the server.

The value of the T1 timer in milliseconds. This timer is used to time out the initial session contact; i.e. receipt of DIS/DCS.
The value of the T2 timer in milliseconds. This timer is used to time out receiving responses and commands.
The value of the T4 timer in milliseconds. This timer is used to time out the reception of HDLC frames and, usually, trigger frame retransmissions.


The following parameters are specific to the configuration of Class 1-style modems; they should not be changed lightly:

The command to set the modem into Class 1 operation.
The number of extraneous bytes in HDLC frames sent to the host in response to an ``AT+FRH'' command. For modems that properly implement the Class 1 interface, this number should be 4 (the default).
The command to setup hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control between DTE and DCE when operating in Class 1. This command is issued immediately after sending the Class1Cmd to switch the modem to Class 1 operation.
The command to setup no flow control between DTE and DCE when operating in Class 1. This command is issued immediately after sending the Class1Cmd to switch the modem to Class 1 operation.
The time, in milliseconds, to wait for an ``OK'' result code from the modem after aborting an HDLC frame receive (``AT+FRH=3''). If this number is zero, then the modem is assumed to not correctly implement aborting and instead the driver will wait 200ms, flush any input, and then send ``AT\n'' and wait 100ms for an ``OK'' result.
The time, in milliseconds, to wait for an initial DCS when receiving a facsimile. CCITT recommendation T.30 specifies this as the value of the T1 timer. However, adaptive answering schemes such as that described above under the AdaptiveAnswer parameter may require that this timer be shortened.
The time, in milliseconds, to delay between dropping the high speed message carrier and sending the EOP post-page message/command. Empirically, this value needs to be greater than Class1SendPPMDelay to prevent modem response timeouts.
The time, in milliseconds, to delay between dropping the high speed message carrier and sending the MPS post-page message/command.
The time, in milliseconds, to delay between sending DCS and TCF.
The time, in milliseconds, to delay when switching the direction of transmission, as recommended by T.31. Default is 150.
The command to setup software (XON/XOFF) flow control between DTE and DCE when operating in Class 1. This command is issued immediately after sending the Class1Cmd to switch the modem to Class 1 operation.
The maximum percentage of non-zero data bytes permitted in an acceptable received TCF. Note that this number does not include any leading non-zero data in the received data. See also Class1TCFMinRun.
The duration, in milliseconds, of the minimum run of zero data in an acceptable received TCF. This value should be specified according to a 1.5 second transmission of zero data (i.e. it should be between 0 and 1500). See also Class1TCFMaxNonZero.
The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, for the first byte of the Training Check (TCF) message data that is received during the training phase of the facsimile reception protocol.
The time, in milliseconds, to delay between receiving TCF and sending a response on the v.21 carrier to indicate whether or not training was successful.
The time, in milliseconds, to delay after a failed training session. This time is used when sending training and when waiting for DCS and subsequent training during receive.


The following parameters are specific to the configuration of Class 2- and Class 2.0-style modems:

The command to set the modem into Class 2/2.0 operation.
The command to use to abort an established session. After using this command to abort a session, the fax software will send ModemOnHookCmd and then reset the modem by dropping DTR .
A largely unused option for modems supporting ITU-T.32, Class 2.1, standards. This command would be used to enable sending and receiving SUB, SEP, and PWD frames.
A largely unused option for modems supporting ITU-T.32, Class 2.1, standards. This command would be used to query the capabilities of sending and receiving SUB, SEP, and PWD frames. The value ``none'' may be used if the modem does not support any Class2APQueryCmd.
The command to setup the bit order of sent and received facsimile data. Usually the command ``AT+FBOR=0'' is used so that data is sent and received in direct bit order (LSB2MSB). Some modems, such as the Everex 24/96D, must use reversed bit order for Phase B and D data exchanges to avoid a bug that results in garbage data being placed in the padding of EOL codes. The bit order specified by this command must correspond to the settings of the ModemSendFillOrder and ModemRecvFillOrder parameters.
The command to use to enable or disable the tracing of HDLC frames sent and received by the modem. This tracing information should be returned to the host in ``+FHR:'' and ``+FHT:'' status strings. Note that many Class 2 modems do not support this facility, which is largely used for diagnostic purposes. The value ``none'' may be used if the modem does not support any Class2BUGCmd.
The command used to set a polling identifier. This string is inserted into the format ``%s="<id>"''.
The command to send to the modem to get the copy quality capabilities string. If the parameter begins with a ``!'', then the remainder of the string is taken to be the capabilities string and no command is issued to the modem; this can be used together with the Class2CQCmd to force copy quality checking to be done in the server instead of in the modem. See also PercentGoodLines and MaxConsecutiveBadLines for parameters used to do server copy quality checking.
The command to use to enable the reception of facsimile.
The command to use to set up parameters for copy quality checking. For example, for an Everex 24/96D modem this parameter might be set to ``AT+FCQ=1\nAT+FBADMUL=20\nAT+FBADLIN=10''.
The command used to set modem capabilities. This string is inserted into the format ``%s=vr,br,wd,ln,df,ec,bf,st''.
The command to send to the modem to get the Class 2/2.0 capabilities. If the parameter begins with a ``!'', then the remainder of the string is taken to be the capabilities string and no command is issued to the modem.
The command to set session parameters before dialing. This string is inserted into the format ``%s=vr,br,wd,ln,df,ec,bf,st''. Setting this parameter enables support for Class 2 modems that do not properly implement the ``AT+FDIS'' command by setting up session parameters before dialing the telephone.
The command used to set the current session parameters. This string is inserted into the format ``%s=vr,br,wd,ln,df,ec,bf,st''.
The command to setup hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control between DTE and DCE when operating in Class 2/2.0. This command is issued immediately after sending the Class2Cmd to switch the modem to Class 2/2.0 operation. For Class 2.0 operation the default is ``AT+FLO=2''.
The command used to set the local identifier string. This string is inserted into the format ``%s="<id>"''
The command used to set the minimum acceptable speed to be negotiated for transmitting page data. This string is inserted into the format ``%s=<speed>''
The command to setup no flow control between DTE and DCE when operating in Class 2/2.0. This command is issued immediately after sending the Class2Cmd to switch the modem to Class 2 operation. For Class 2.0 operation the default is ``AT+FLO=0''.
(Class 2.0 only) The command to setup negotiation message reporting. For the correct operation of the Class 2.0 driver this command must enable the reporting of: receiver parameters, transmitter parameters, and ID strings. It is not necessary to enable reporting of non-standard frames for correct operation of the Class 2.0 driver.
A largely unused option for modems supporting ITU-T.32, Class 2.1, standards. This command would be used to set up the polling address string enabled by the Class2APCmd.
The command to use to set the Phase C timeout parameter (in seconds). The value ``none'' may be used if the modem does not support any Class2PHCTOCmd.
(Class 2.0 only) The command to use to control procedure interrupt handling. Procedure interrupts should be disabled because HylaFAX does not provide a mechanism for dispatching procedure interrupts to an administrator.
The command to use to set the received page status code. When copy quality checking is done in the host, this command may be used to control the post-page response delivered to the sender. Beware that some modems do not properly implement this command in which case the server should be configured to not do copy quality check: see the PercentGoodLines and MaxConsecutiveBadLines parameters to understand how to defeat copy quality checking.
A largely unused option for modems supporting ITU-T.32, Class 2.1, standards. This command would be used to set up the password string enabled by the Class2APCmd.
The character to send to the modem to trigger the transmission of received data from the modem to the host. This character is specified to be DC1 (octal 21) in the draft specification 2388-A and DC2 (octal 22) in the 2388-B specification. Most Class 2 modems accept DC1 or both DC1 and DC2. Some modems however only accept DC2. Note that string parameters may use C-style escape sequences, so DC2, for example, would be specified as ``"\022"''.
The command to use to enable the delivery of byte-aligned EOL codes in received facsimile. If this parameter is defined, then received facsimile data will be marked to indicate that EOL codes are byte-aligned; otherwise they will be marked as not (necessarily) having byte-aligned codes.
A largely unused option for modems supporting ITU-T.32, Class 2.1, standards. This command would be used to set up the destination subaddress string enabled by the Class2APCmd.
Whether or not to append an explicit ``Return To Control'' (RTC) signal to the page data when transmitting. The Class 2 and Class 2.0 specs (i.e. SP-2388-A and TIA/EIA-592) state that the modem will append RTC when it receives the post-page message command from the host; this parameter is provided in case the modem does not correctly implement this.
The command to setup software (XON/XOFF) flow control between DTE and DCE when operating in Class 2/2.0. This command is issued immediately after sending the Class2Cmd to switch the modem to Class 2/2.0 operation. For Class 2.0 operation the default is ``AT+FLO=1''.
The command to use to enable a polling request. The value ``none'' may be used if the modem does not support any Class2SPLCmd.
The command to use to enable stream-mode communication between the host and modem. The value ``none'' may be used if the modem does not support any Class2TBCCmd.
Whether or not to wait for an XON character from the modem before sending facsimile data to the modem for transmission. Note that this is only relevant for modems that conform to the Class 2 spec (i.e. SP-2388-A). The Class 2.0 specification states that the host may transmit data immediately upon receiving CONNECT and that no XON character will be sent to the host.


The following parameters are specific to the configuration and operation of the IXO/TAP and UCP support for sending pager messages and GSM SM. Parameter not used for UCP are marked with ``(IXO/TAP only)''.

The commands to send to a modem to prepare the modem for a call to pager service provider. Typically these commands place direct the modem to communicate with the service provider at 300 bps using the V.21 protocol. Per-service provider command strings can be setup in the info database; see hylafax-info(5F).
The maximum length for a pager text message. Messages longer than this number are truncated. Per-service provider message lengths can be setup in the info database; see hylafax-info(5F).
(IXO/TAP only) The service identification string transmitted as part of the IXO/TAP protocol.
(IXO/TAP only) The terminal device identification string transmitted as part of the IXO/TAP protocol.
The maximum number of unrecognized messages that will be accepted at various stages of the IXO/TAP protocol before the sender will abort and hangup the phone.
(IXO/TAP only) The time, in seconds, between sending a ``\r'' during the initial ID recognition sequence of the IXO/TAP protocol.
(IXO/TAP only) The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the initial ID response from the service provider.
(IXO/TAP only) The maximum number of attempts to login to a service provider.
(IXO/TAP only) The maximum time, in seconds, to wait to complete the login procedure.
(IXO/TAP only) The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a Go-Ahead message from the service provider.
The maximum number of times to try sending a text message block in a single call.
The maximum time, in seconds, to try transmitting a text message block.
(IXO/TAP only) integer30IXO: max time to wait for msg block ack (secs)
The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for an acknowledgement to a transmitted message.


Per-modem configuration files are typically derived from prototype files that have been created for known modems. These prototype files are kept in the config subdirectory and, by convention, have names that identify a brand or type of modem and the DTE-DCE flow control scheme the prototype files configures. The faxaddmodem(8C) program that is used to configure a modem for use with HylaFAX selects a prototype configuration file using information retrieved from the modem and comments embedded in the prototype files. For Class 1 modems the product ID code returned by the command ``ATI0'' and the response from the comannd ``ATI3'' are used to select a prototype configuration file, while for Class 2 modems the manufacturer and model as returned by ``AT+FMFR?'' and ``AT+FMDL?'', respectively, are used (or ``AT+FMI?'' and ``AT+FMM?'' for Class 2.0 modems).

A Class 1 prototype configuration file is identified for use by faxaddmodem by searching for a comment of the form:

# CONFIG:CLASS1:144:.*:RTSCTS: Manufacturer='AT&T' Model=Dataport

In this example ``144'' is the product ID code for an AT&T DataPort modem, ``.*'' is a regular expression matched against the result string returned by the ``ATI3'' command, and ``RTSCTS'' indicates the modem is configured to use hardware flow control during fax operation. The remainder of the line is evaluated by the sh(1) and used to specify the modem's manufacturer and model (since Class 1 modems do not have standard commands to query this information).

Class 2 and 2.0 prototype configuration files match the string ``manufacturer-model-flowcontrol'' against a sh(1) glob pattern specified in the configuration file, where manufacturer and model are the strings returned by querying the modem and flowcontrol is either ``RTSCTS'' for hardware flow control or ``XONXOFF'' for software flow control. For example:


are configuration comments that appear in the prototype file for a ZyXEL 1496E with Class 2 support, and for a US Robotics Courier modem with Class 2.0 firmware.

The faxaddmodem program merges server-specific configuration parameters into a prototype configuration according to comments placed in the prototype file. All lines between ``BEGIN-SERVER'' and ``END-SERVER'' comments are placed with the appropriate server configuration parameters. Note that this means modem-related configuration parameters must be placed outside this area of the file.  


faxaddmodem(8C), faxq(8C), faxgetty(8C), faxsend(8C), hylafax-server(5F)




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