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HOSTS(5F)                                               HOSTS(5F)

       hosts - HylaFAX client access control list

       The  ASCII  file  etc/hosts  in  the HylaFAX spooling area
       specifies the hosts and users that are permitted to access
       services  through  the  hfaxd(8C) process.  This file must
       exist for client access; if it is not present  then  hfaxd
       will  deny  all requests for service.  Note also that this
       file must be readable only by the ``fax'' user;  i.e.   it
       should have mode 600 and be owned by ``fax''.

       Each  newline-terminated entry is a set of colon (:) sepa-
       rated fields, all but the first  of  which  are  optional.
       Trailing  null fields and their separators may be omitted.
       The most general form is:


       client is a regular expression to  be  matched  against  a
       string  ``user@host''  that is formed from the user string
       passed to hfaxd with the USER  command  and  the  official
       host  name  or  the  DARPA  Internet address, specified in
       ``dot notation''.  If client does  not  contain  an  ``@''
       then, for backwards compatibility, it is treated as a host
       for which any user may have access; i.e. it  is  automati-
       cally converted to the regular expression ``^.*@client$''.

       Comments are  introduced  with  the  ``#''  character  and
       extend to the end of the line.  Any whitespace immediately
       preceding a comment is also ignored.

       If client has a leading ``!'', then it is interpreted as a
       class  of  hosts and users to which access is to be disal-
       lowed.  That is, if the pattern matches the client  infor-
       mation, then access is denied.

       Note  that regular expressions are not anchored.  That is,
       a  regular  expression  may  match  a  substring  of   the
       ``user@host''   string.    Thus   `pb@.*\.cl\.cam\.ac\.uk'
       matches `cpb@mc.cl.cam.ac.uk.esd.sgi.com'.  Use  ``^''  to
       match  the start of the string and ``$'' to match the end.

       Fields following client are optional and specify the  fol-

       uid       The  numerical user ID to assign to clients that
                 use the entry for access.  hfaxd uses the uid to
                 control  access to server resources such as jobs
                 and documents (the value  is  used  to  set  the
                 group ID of files created by a client).

                 Multiple clients/users may share the same uid or
                 unique IDs may be created for each client.  User

                         January 18, 1996                       1

HOSTS(5F)                                               HOSTS(5F)

                 IDs  may  be  any  number in the range [0..6002]
                 with 6002 used, by convention, for entries  that
                 do not have a uid specified.

       passwd    The  encrypted password.  If this field is empty
                 (null) then no password will be demanded when  a
                 client  logs  in; i.e. the USER command does not
                 need to be followed by a PASS command.

       adminwd   The encrypted password for  this  user  to  gain
                 administrative  privileges.   If  this  field is
                 empty (null) then the user is not  permitted  to
                 have administrative privileges.

       The following is a sample hosts file.  Note that the first
       entry that matches  is  taken,  so  more-specific  entries
       should be placed first.
                                     # pb on a machine directly in cl.cam.ac.uk can
                                     # administer if an admin pw is given
                  # anyone on local host uses the default uid
              ^sam@flake.*sgi\.com$  # Sam on his work machine
              ^sam@oxford.*Berkeley.*# Sam on any machine starting oxford and containing
                                     # Berkeley, e.g. sam@oxfordberkeley.cl.cam.ac.uk
              ^.*@.*.\.esd\.         # anyone in an esd domain
              !^tom@                 # Tom Davis is denied access
              .*\.sgi\.com$          # but anyone else at sgi is ok

       sendfax(1), hfaxd(8C), hylafax(5F)

                         January 18, 1996                       2

VirtuALL Private Host Services
Report any problems to webmaster@hylafax.org

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Internet connectivity for hylafax.org is provided by:
VirtuALL Private Host Services