Here's the revised commands for the WorldBlazer and T3000 modems for FAX. The current version without "adaptive answer and V.17" is LA7.05C. Starting with LA7.20M (released) adaptive answer and V.17 apply. If you have LA7.20 code prior to version M, please contact modems@Telebit.COM.

+FAA, Answer Parameter
+FAA=? 0

Starting with LA7.20M, the following is true:
+FAA=? 0,1
+FAXERR, T.30 Session Error Report
+FAXERR=, read only
Valid values: 0-255   
Mandatory values: 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70
    0 = Normal and proper end of connection
   10 = Unspecified Phase A error
   20 = Unspecified Transmit Phase B error
   30 =  -
   40 = Unspecified Transmit Phase C error
   50 = Unspecified Transmit Phase D error
   60 = -
   70 = Unspecified Receive Phase B error
+FBADLIN, Bad Line Threshold
+FBADMUL, Error Threshold Multiplier
+FBOR, Data Bit Order
+FBOR=? 0-3
+FBUF, Buffer Size
+FBUG, Session Message Reporting

+FBUG=? 0,1
+FCIG, Local Polling ID String
+FCIG=? (20)(32-127)
+FCLASS, Service Class Identification & Selection
+FCLASS=? 0,2
+FCQ, Copy Quality Checking
+FCQ=? 0
+FCR, Capability to Receive
+FCR=? 0,1
+FCTCRTY, CTC Retry Count
+FDCC, DCE capabilities parameters
+FDCC=? (0,1),(0-3),(0-2),(0-2),(0),(0),(0),(0-7)
+FDCC? 0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0 Default Value

Starting with Version LA7.20M the following is true:
+FDCC=? (0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0),(0),(0),(0-7)
+FDCC? 0,5,0,2,0,0,0,0 

VR  0,1
BR  0,1,2,3 (Starting with LA7.20M values are 0,1,2,3,4,5)
WD  0,1,2
LN  0,1,2
DF  0
EC  0
BF  0
ST  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
+FDCS, Current Session results
+FDCS? 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Default value.
+FDFFC, Data Compression Format Conversion
+FDFFC=? 0
+FDIS, Current Session Parameters
+FDIS=? (0,1),(0-3),(0-2),(0-2),(0),(0),(0),(0-7)
+FDIS? 0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0 Default value

Starting with Version LA7.20M the following is true:
+FDIS=? (0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0),(0),(0),(0-7)
+FDIS? 0,5,0,2,0,0,0,0

VR  0,1
BR  0,1,2,3 (Starting with Version LA7.20M values are 0,1,2,3,4,5)
WD  0,1,2
LN  0,1,2
DF  0
EC  0
BF  0
ST  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
+FDR, Begin or Continue Phase C Receive Data
+FDT, Data Transmission
+FECM, Error Correction Mode Control
+FECM=? 0
+FET, Transmit Page Punctuation
+FET=? 0,1,2,4,5,6
+FK, Session Termination
+FLID, Local ID String
+FLID=? (20)(32-127)
+FLID="local ID string"
+FLNFC, Page Length Format Conversion
+FLNFC=? 0
+FLPL, Indicate Document to Poll
+FLPL=? 0,1
+FMDL?, Request Model Identification
+FMFR?, Request Manufacturer Identification
+FMINSP, Minimum Phase C Speed
+FMINSP=? 0-3

Starting with Version LA7.20M, the following is also true:
+FPHCTO, DTE Phase C Response Time-out
+FPHCTO=? 0-255
+FPHCTO? 30 Default value.
Range:0 - 255
+FPTS, Page Transfer Status
+FPTS=? 1-5
+FRBC, Phase C Receive Data Block Size
+FRBC=? 0-0
+FREL, Phase C Received EOL Alignment
+FREL=? 0,1
+FREV?, Request Product Revision Identification
+FSPL, Request to Poll
+FSPL=? 0,1
+FTBC, Phase C Trasmit Data Block Size
+FVRFC, Vertical Resolution Format Conversion
+FVRFC=? 0
+FWDFC, Page Width Format Conversion
+FWDFC=? 0

                           RESPONSE DESCRIPTIONS

+FCFR, Indicate Confirmation to Receive
+FCKG:, Report the Remote ID
+FCKG:"" Polling station ID
+FCON, Facsimile Connection Response

Starting with Version LA7.20M, the following is also true:

When +FAA=1 is set, the modem will respond with FAX prior to 
reporting +FCON if a FAX call is detected.  If a data call is
detected, the response would be DATA followed by the CONNECT
response.  The CONNECT response is controled by the Q, X and
S59 register settings.

+FCSI:, Report the remote ID
+FCSI:""Called Station ID
+FDCS, Report DIS/DCS/DTC frame information
+FDCS? 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Default value.
+FHNG, Call Termination with Status
+FPOLL, Remote Polling Indication
+FPTS, Receive and Transmit Page Transfer Status
+FPTS=? 1-5
+FTSI:, Report the Remote ID
+FTSI:""Transmit Station ID

 Return to Telebit Worldblazer/T300 information.

Jaime Sainez / modems@Telebit.COM. Last updated $Date: 1998/11/15 13:17:24 $.