I have the following two problems:
1) for certain documents the transmission fails with [8:+FHNG:50] (or 52). So far it seems that this only happens with documents that were created using FrameMaker !!! Everything else worked fine.
Nov 15 13:43:55.17: [ 9823]: <:-- data [363] Nov 15 13:44:03.86: [ 9823]: SENT 14699 bytes of data Nov 15 13:44:03.86: [ 9823]: <-- data [2] Nov 15 13:44:12.93: [ 9823]: SEND end page Nov 15 13:44:16.85: [ 9823]: --> [2:OK] Nov 15 13:44:16.85: [ 9823]: SEND send EOP (no more pages or documents) Nov 15 13:44:16.85: [ 9823]: <-- [8:AT+FET=2] Nov 15 13:44:32.86: [ 9823]: --> [8:+FHNG:50] Nov 15 13:44:32.86: [ 9823]: REMOTE HANGUP: Unspecified Transmit Phase D error, including +FPHCTO timeout between data and +FET command (code 50) Nov 15 13:44:32.86: [ 9823]: <-- [4:ATH0] Nov 15 13:44:32.86: [ 9823]: --> [2:OK] Nov 15 13:44:32.86: [ 9823]: SESSION END
If this is Frame 4.0 beware that it generates PostScript that forces the page dimensions to a full 8.5" wide. This translates to 1734 pixels which is invalid for fax transmission. The tiffg3* drivers in Ghostscript try to force a page width of 1728 pixels but only in the most versions does Ghostscript have support for constraining the page dimensions requested through the setpagedevice operator. I thought that gs 3.51 had this support but I must be wrong. In any event you can see if this is the problem by running Ghostscript over a Frame-generated PS document, then look at the resulting TIFF using something like the tiffinfo tool that is part of my TIFF software distribution (ftp://ftp.sgi.com/graphics/tiff).
If the image width is 1734 pixels then this is the problem. Fixing the PS is a bit of a mess--you basically have to hand-edit the documents to eliminate or correct the setpagedevice calls. Either that or find a version of Ghostscript with the constrainted setpagedevice support.
> ....
> Thanks for the reply but I created the ps file from word 7.0 for
> windows95. The ps drivers I was using was hp 4/4m.
> I've been having problems
> gettingwinflex to fax a doc created by a native win 95 application using
> native win 95 ps drivers, rather than the 3.11 ps drivers. If
> I can figure out this miscalculation problem I should have it solved.
> Since it's creating the doc with a width of 1734 when the most it should
> be is 1728. How can I force it to be at most 1728 pixels wide?
As I said, whatever program you are using to generate PostScript is emitting PostScript that forces the page dimensions to be 1734 pixels wide. Look for my earlier posting about this topic for a discussion on what causes and how to deal with it.