Just a note for HylaFAX users in Germany: the German mobil phone provider "E-Plus" uses also the TAP/IXO protocol for the SMS (as the German Telekom in "D1" does) and HylaFAX v4.0 works perfectly out of the box w/ the SMS Centre; the dial-in point of the SMS Centre is +49 177 1167 and all you have to do is to setup an entry in spool/etc/pagermap like: # # D1 Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) # 49171(.*) 01712092522/49171\1 # # E-Plus SMSC # 49177(.*) 01771167/49177\1 to send a message to a known E-Plus mobil phone +49177xxxxxx with: $ pagesend -p 49177xxxxxx "Hello World" The Mannesmann Mobilfunk Ltd. (also known as "D2" in Germany) uses "UCP" as the protocol. matthias