I've Problems with the ModemSetupAACmd: (adaptive answer command)
To: "'hylafax-users@hylafax.org'"Subject: Problems with FAA=1 Date: Thu, 08 Aug 1996 20:35:30 CDT From: "Francisco Correa R." I wrote the last Friday that I've Problems with de ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FAA=1 because when it's in my config file the system accept only Data calls appropriately, and when it isn't in the config-file the system accept only FAX call. I've received an answer for my problem that say: Some modem require +FCLASS=0+FAA=1 to do answer correctly. Y think that's mean set ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FCLASS=0+FAA=1 in config file, but it doesn't work. <...stuff deleted...> I know of only two modems that correctly support adaptive-answer with Class 1 operation: ZyXEL 1496 (and probably 2864 but never tried) and the Motoroloa Lifestyle. Your modem is not correctly implementing adaptive-answer; it is switching into Class 2 mode when a fax call is received. HylaFAX does not support split operation; e.g. outbound with Class 1 and inbound with Class 2/2.0. Either configure the modem to operate as a Class 2 modem or do not use the modem's adapative-answer support. Sam