From: Richard Baldwin
Subject: FW: mps problem
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 95 14:13:00 PDT
Phase A is establishing the connection (dialing & sending CNG and pickup)
Phase B is the T.30 handshake (negotiation of resolution, speed etc.)
Phase C is the data (fax image) sending
Phase D is the inter-page or end of message T.30 handshake
HangUp Status Codes - Call Placement and termination
0 Normal and proper end of connection - indicates a modem
dialing error of unknown type which returns the modem to
normal operation afterwards. This type of error is not
counted as a "try" for counting retries
1 Ring Detect without successful handshake (ERR_RINGDETECT)
This is a fatal error, Siren Fax will not retry a job which
experiences this error, as normally it is only encountered
when something other than a fax (or someone) answers the
call from Siren Fax. When an incorrect number is dialed,
this error normally results. If the DIALWAIT option is not
enabled in FAXSPROFILE, Error code 1 will also result from
calls which would otherwise receive an Error code of 10 or
11 (and be retried)
2 Call aborted, from +FK or - means the software killed the
transmission session - rarely or never seen - not counted as a try
3 No loop current - indicates a telephone line error - not
counted as a try.
Transmit Phase A Errors. Errors commonly occur in Phase A due to
incorrect phone numbers (in the case of Error Code 1) or other
anamolies. Typically Phase A errors are not retried (normally
set as fatal errors in FAXSPROFILE)
10 Unspecified Phase A error (ERR_UNSPECPHA) - means that
some undetermined failure occurred in the handshake
protocol - only seen if DIALWAIT option is enabled in
FAXSPROFILE - normally this is a fatal error and job will
not retry
11 No answer (T.30 T1 time-out) (ERR_NOANSWERPHA) - This is
not the same as the telepphone line failing to answer
(Error Code 155) this is only seen if the DIALWAIT
option is enabled in FAXSPROFILE - normally this is a
fatal error and job will not retry
Transmit Phase B Errors
Errors in Phase B are relatively uncommon, but very persistent
with certain numbers you might dial. They occur during the
T.30 initialization protocol phase. Siren Fax normally retries
after a Phase B error, but some receiving devices cannot be
connected to without special handling by the Siren Fax
Administrator, hence repeated errors may be experienced with
a particular receiver
20 Unspecified Transmit Phase B error
21 Remote cannot receive or send
22 COMREC error in Transmit Phase B
23 COMREC invalid command received
24 RSPREC error
25 Siren Fax Responds same as 26 below -
Specified Response for Error 25 is: DCS sent 3 times
with response
26 DIS/DTC received 3 times; DCS not recognized
27 Failure to train at 2400 bps or +FMINSP value
28 RSPREC invalid response received
Transmit Phase C Errors - Siren Fax will retry the job when
Phase C errors occur, unless on the last retry.
30 Unspecified Transmit Phase C error
33 DTE to DCE data underflow - normally caused by a poor
quality modem with insufficient buffer, or caused by
a Serial port which is not properly handling software
flow control or which cannot properly
buffer the data flow at normal speeds.
40 Unspecified Transmit Phase C error - same as 30
41 RSPREC error - error
42 No Response to MPS repeated 3 times - MPS means
`Multi-Page Send.' Prior to sending each page, the
sending modem `trains' with the receiving fax machine
or modem, ie. they re-establish the communcations
parameters to be used for the next page of image data.
This error means that some part of the retrain process
failed and that the devices jointly decided to give up.
Siren Fax will retry the job when this error is detected,
unless it occurs on the last retry.
43 Invalid response to MPS
44 No response to EOP repeated 3 times - will normally
retry and send remaining pages
45 Invalid response to EOP
46 No response to EOM repeated 3 times
47 Invalid response to EOM
48 Unable to continue after PIN or PIP
Transmit Phase D Errors - Siren Fax will retry the job when
Phase D erros occur, unless on the last retry.
50 Unspecified Receive Phase B error in hangup protocol
51 RSPREC error - same as 41 above
52 COMREC error: Same as 42, No Response to MPS repeated 3 times
53 T.30 T2 time-out, page expected but not received
54 Siren Fax Responds same as 44 above - Specified
Response for Error 54 is: T.30 T1 time-out after EOM received
60 Unspecified Receive Phase C error
61 Missing EOL after 5 seconds (seciont 3.2/T.4)
63 DCE to DTE buffer overflow
64 bad CRC or frame (ECM or BFT modes)
70 Unspecified Receive Phase D error
71 RSPREC invalid response received
72 COMREC invalid response received
73 Unable to continue after PIN or PIP
74 T.30 T1 time-out after EOM received
90 Unspecified Receive Phase C error
91 Missing EOL after 5 seconds - result is that modem
times out and disconnects - EOL means End Of Line,
referring to the end of a scan line
93 DCE to DTE buffer overflow
94 bad CRC or frame (ECM or BFT modes)
100 Unspecified Receive Phase D error
101 RSPREC invalide response received
102 COMREC invalide response received
103 Unable to continue after PIN or PIP
128 Cannot send due to MIN speed parameter (ERR_MINSPEEDERR)
129 Cannot send remote is V.29 only (ERR_REMOTEV29)
130 No T4 receiver bit in DCS/DIS frame (ERR_NOT4RECVBIT)
131 FK or cancel
132 Format mismatch (ERR_FORMATMISM)
133 Remote can't receive (ERR_CANTRECEIVE)
134 XON not received in time to save session
151 Dialing Failed - An attempt at dialing a number
timed out (ERR_DIALFAILED)
152 No Dialtone - The modem reported no dial tone (ERR_NODIALTONE)
153 Busy - The modem reported line busy (ERR_BUSY)
154 Unknown Receive Error - rarely seen. Failed/timeout
during modem dialog in adm/faxrcv/recv2.c:
timeout from fax2wait(OK, ...) or waitok() initial
dialog setting modem speed, volume, etc setting modem
class on LEOF, TIMEOUT, FHNG returned by call to
mdread when mdread didn't set any other error code
during modem data read/write using sio_write() (ERR_UNKNOWN)
155 No Answer - The receiving end did not answer, ie. did not
go off hook:
This error is only returned when DIALWAIT is enabled in
FAXSPROFILE, if disabled an Error Code 1 is returned
156 Modem either timed out or failed to return OK during
an initialization step in adm/libdm/fax2.c (ERR_INITPROB)
157 Answer Timeout - Modem timed out during the call to mdread()
in fax2wait() Modem returned a RING/LEOF at an inappropriate
time while waiting for an answer (ERR_ANSWERTIM)
160 Modem Dial Error - dialing phase timeout error - generated
by the modem. Failed/timeout during modem dialog while
dialing in adm/faxsnd/send2.c: LEOF, TIMEOUT, RING returned
by fax2wait(OK) timeout from waitok() (ERRDUNKNOWN)
161 Modem Send Error - Sending phase timeout error - generated
by the modem. Failed/timeout during modem dialog while
sending in adm/faxsnd/send2.c: LEOF, TIMEOUT, RING
returned by fax2wait(OK,CONNECT) LEOF, TIMEOUT, FHNG,
RING returned by mdread()
-1 returned by sio_get()
-1 returned by fax2eom()
timeout in sio_write()
162 Modem Finish Error - EOM phase timeout error - generated
by the modem. Default error condition from fax2eom()
** end of e-mail **
The list of error codes from the EIA/TIA specifications are
incorporated in the source code. If you
have the HylaFAX source installed you should also check
the file faxd/Class2.c++ for these codes.