Section 3 : Running a Server

Q330: Experience from using HylaFAX regarding sending 1000 per day?

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Experience from using HylaFAX regarding sending 1000 per day?

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 08:09:16 CDT
From: Tom G. Brusehaver/Consultant Euler Solutions < >
Subject: Re: Experience from using HylaFAX

>We are evaluating both public and commercial software solutions for sending
>faxes based on a UNIX server. It would be interesting to know if there are
>somebody using HylaFAX in a configuration that handles:
>- Sending 500 - 1000 per day
>- With a modem pool consisting of 2 - 5 modems
>- Preferably based on the newest release of HylaFAX

We are sending that many pages, and using about 5 modems.  Latest
(4.0p10) Hylafax.  

Gotta watch old fax machines with little memory, they have trouble
with MPS requests.  

Otherwise it works pretty well.


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