Section 2 : Client Applications

Q204: Sendfax doesn't put the company name and location on my cover pages?

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Sendfax doesn't put the company name and location on my cover pages?

I noticed yesterday that the parameter order for sendfax can make a difference in the cover sheet. If the "-x" is specified after the "-d", the company name gets dropped from the cover sheet.

sendfax -c"aaa" -r"bbb" -D -d"Greg Rowe@482-4001" -x"Metaphase" file Since I always put the -d last in the command line, I never noticed it before. Is this a known problem or do I have a problem with my cover sheet?(It's the SGI one with my logo) I'm running the new beta release on a SGI box.Thanks.

I prefer to call it a ``feature'' :-). The -d flag causes a new destination to be recorded using the current specifications for company and location (the -x and -y options). You can see this in the code. I'll see about clarifying this in the manual page.

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