To: Sam LefflerSubject: Re: calling last chance on bug fixes Cc: Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 08:11:55 +0800 From: The Doctor I am sorry but I don't see how you can say "I know of no problems". I still haven't managed to build it for Linux. What about other people, has anyone managed to build it and got it working for Linux. I have seen many notes from people that have built the software under Linux. As I said before if you don't provide a way for me to reproduce or diagnose a problem then I have no option but to ignore it. Given that I don't use Linux and that other folks have told me they compile the code under Linux I consider any complaint of this sort to be a local configuration problem. Please understand that it's not my responsibility to diagnose other folks problems. I'm simply trying to get stuff in good shape for general distribution. If folks using non-SGI systems don't contribute towards this goal then the software will go out not working on their systems (period). As I alluded to in my original posting I intend to severely reduce my involvement in this software once v4.0 is released. Specifically I intend to respond only to bug *fixes* that are sent to me. Folks will be on their own to diagnose problems and come up with fixes. I've been supporting this software for many years now and I've decided that it's time to stop doing this. Hopefully other folks will step up and help fill in. The bottom line is I'm giving folks one last chance to get help from me before I go away. But if you want help then you've have to provide me with enough information to diagnose a problem--I don't have time to waste chasing down every vague complaint. Sam